HELP! Paintbrush in water!?!


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My 3 year old dipped a used, but cleaned paintbrush in my sw mixing brute can. Do I need to throw everything out?

The paintbrush had been used with acrylic paint and maybe even had some dried wd40 on it.

The brute contained sw, a heater , a mag pump, and a brand double new double float switch from I am using the water to cure live rock. Can I just throw out the water and rinse the equipment or is everything toast?

thanks for any help
I would probably change the water, but other than that I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
yeah-just throw out the water and rinse everyhting off-I wouldn't worry much further than that.
thanks guys

I rinsed everything in vinegar and tap water, then Prime and tap water and then a bunch more tap water. Hopefully everything will be fine.

thanks for the help.