Help please GBTA


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Ok so i got a GBTA from JessPete that isn't doing so well. It is totally deflated and is sitting on a rock under 4x39w t5s and has this slimy coat on it.

It doesn't look dead but may be on its way out. What am a doing wrong and what do i need to do to correct the problem and hopefully save it?

Anything I need to get?
If its coated in slime, and not just expelling waste, then yes, you are probably right in thinking its on its way out. I'd definately move it to a QT to keep it from nuking your tank, this might be the last chance you get to save many of your other inhabitants........ Try fresh SW in a QT system, but other than that, it might be too late.

Just MHO anyways....
I have no spare tanks for a quarantine, dang. well its slimy and looks like its expelling so i am not totally sure what it is doing. It was fine before I left, inflated and eating every few days. THen i got home and it is under a rock and deflated. It stayed under a rock all the while it was inflated and, on a limb, healthy.
Sorry to hear this Cory! I never saw it completely coated in slime! That's troublesome. It was always pretty clear when it was expelling waste.
Maybe it just got a bit too much to eat. If it pulls through, don't feed it so often. It's my understanding that they can eat something too large and it will damage them trying to ingest/digest. Fingers crossed for you!

It's foot is still attached?
Well it hasn't ate a full silver side since i left for the beach a week ago... and no the foot isn't attached, I fear that is bad, isn't it? maybe my tank isn't made for a nem :`(

should i go ahead and bag it or leave it overnight? i would put it in quarantine but no tank
O and there is no telling how long it has been deflated in the tank while I was gone to the beach so I dunno.
if it just looks "deflated" or small, it prob just pooping. should be back to normal in a few hours at most. if it is nasty looking or smells, throw it out..
How will i smell it under the water? That could be dangerous to my health :D

Do i just pull it out and smell? I'm doing my required bi-weekly 10g water change tonight... This is my usual amount at the usual time.
Don't pull it out of the water. If you QT it keep it under water. Also, there is GOOD RBTA info at"></a>
Good luck!
It is an aquired technique to smell thing underwater..:eek:) I took classes and everything! if you post a pic, it would be easier to!

Kirru;354636 wrote: How will i smell it under the water? That could be dangerous to my health :D

Do i just pull it out and smell? I'm doing my required bi-weekly 10g water change tonight... This is my usual amount at the usual time.
1mbrews8;354720 wrote: It is an aquired technique to smell thing underwater..:eek:) I took classes and everything! if you post a pic, it would be easier to!

Haha, let me guess a SCUBA class? lol

It is dead as of this morning.

A crab was picking at it abd i moved the crab and just fell apart.

So i got it out of the tank and it seems no harm done to the tank... What should i do now?
Cory, between the anenome I sold you dying and your sig line, I look like a tool!

Sorry to hear about it! How long have you had it now, I don't remember. How did you acclimate it?
Haha, a tool. lol Mm I had it since we met either thursday or friday (14th or 15th) in May, almost a month

Like all my corals and inverts I drip acclimate and i did the nem for about 2 hours cause i was unsure how long to do it then i read it in the link posted above... o well, maybe on my next try. just got to figure out what exactly was the problem
Personally, I wouldn't feed it quite that often, don't know if that was a factor or not.
I didn't feed it often honestly, first when I got it, like one silverside every other day for a week then only fed once a week and the whole time i was gone i kno it wasnt fed.
I hardly feed mine, once in a blue moon, seriously. It picks up fish food and does well on it's own undr the T-5's. Mine is getting huge. I freaked out the first time it shrivelled up, but it came back.
Yea i freaked out too and for most of the time I had it it was under some rocks that made a shadow from the t5s i had so i am not sure what made its life end so abruptly... I'm gonna probably wait a while before I get another. I hate to spend more money or something that will inevitably die.