Help Plumbing UV


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Hey all! I'm trying to set up this Turbo Twist UV with a Varios2 pump. The parts list for the varios shows a 1/2" stepper included but no instruction on how to affix it to the stepper. Does anyone know how I could step down from 1 to 1/2"? The fittings I'm finding on Amazon are all brass, unthreaded on the female side, or not barbed on the male side.

Can you use "Flexible" Vinyl tubings? Ones that are really tough. Has threading that stops from expending etc.

You an step down sizes within the vinyl tubings by pushing into larger tubes and vice versa.
I do this for my Co2 scrtubber connecting to the skimmer outlet....

In your case you will want to secure it really well since it will be connected to your return.
Not sure where you are located but I'm in Acworth. Happy to help you get this plumbed. I've got lots of tubing, PVC etc laying around. I'm sure we can figure it out.

I would love to soft-plumb this. I am actually planning on keeping the sterilizer on top of my hood since cabinet space is so limited. @iu_gary I'm located downtown in the Summerhill/Grant Park area. If you are willing to come down and help, I'd be happy to comp you!