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My clownfish has popeye. I think i read somewhere that they can get popeye from being netted? if so he was just recently added to the tank.
Also he is not eating. I figured he would come around but hasnt. it seems the eye has swelled up in a short period of time. I just noticed it and i noticed it from a quick glance at him so I doubt he has had it for a while.
How do i treat him?
I googled it and a site said that the cause of popeye is hard to determine and water changes are affective. They also said something about treating him with something but i have a reef tank and would object to adding a chemical....

now i know a lot of you say "this is why you need a QT" and I would love to have a QT but im lucky that I have room for one tank in my apartment.
Mm, i remember when mine had it, I just did a couple freshwater dips and added Focus and KanaPlex to my food mix and it cleared up in about a week or a lil less.. Thats all I did and I have had mine for a year now and they are still swimming P.I.T.A. lol

and i also, keep it added in my food mix just to be safe and I feed garlic guard in my food as well.
get with jenn of imagin ocean, our sponsors page.
its important to get meds IN the fish and not just in the water.
hurry and dont wait. i have a fish that made it through popeye, but is now blind and has his own 30gal tank cause the other fish will for sure kill him due to his handycap. this gets bad real fast.
I have damsels in my frag tank, and my allens damsel gets it about every month in alternating eyes. It goes away on its own after about a week. No idea what causes it or what fixes it.
message jenn or go see her? shes pretty far.
right now i cant get him out. im going to continue doing research and try to get him out while he is sleeping. he is hiding right now. which is usual. i dont know why though, hes a clown...
My clownfish had popeye and I read that it was due to poor water quality. I did a bunch of water changes and feed him some garlic food and it went away on it's own.
My Seabae used to get it all the time. I would pull him out of the tank and put him in a Epson Salt QT for about a week. Always did the trick. Good luck.
kirru;469409 wrote: mm, i remember when mine had it, i just did a couple freshwater dips and added focus and kanaplex to my food mix and it cleared up in about a week or a lil less.. Thats all i did and i have had mine for a year now and they are still swimming p.i.t.a. Lol

and i also, keep it added in my food mix just to be safe and i feed garlic guard in my food as well.