Help setting up 150 tank plumbing


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Hello all!
I have finally got my tank about ready to set up and bring in the house. It is been a long time since I started it and I am ready to get it up and going. This will be my first large tank that I set up myself. I I am going to fill the tank in my garage and hook up all the plumbing to run everything outside and check for leaks. I was going to see if anyone on here with mind to come by and help me hook up the plumbing. I have a eshopps ADV 300 sump, L1 vectra pump and reef octopus skimmer. I believe I have all of the fittings that I need that I have no clue how to hook up everything and get it going. I don't think it would be too hard and I would be willing to pay for someone a nice steak dinner or offer something nice. Heck, my wife can even cook the steaks while we hook it up. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciate it! Feel free to give me a call at 770-608-6694 thanks so much! Steve Miller

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Hey Steve I would be more than happy to be present there and help you some with the plumbing, plus enjoy the flavour of some delicious steaks haha! But unfortunately I'm really pack sometimes with work and family.
I'm in the same process of setting up a 120 and it'll be with all the wisells and bells you could think of so I'm just suggesting you look in some of the building threads in here or Google some and you'll be soon in the right path for a convenient setup, that's what I've been doing for a long while.
My recommendations on the plumbing, if you're doing hard plumbing (not hoses, just pvc) it's measure the lengths and make a plan in paper on what you want your setup to look like pretty much, easy and clear access to your skimmer and clean space for the sump and socks. Like I've said, pre-cut some of the lengths, add the elbows and just place them on the way you need them to be, don't glue them yet, attach them and start forming the drains and return the way you need it, don't forget to add Unions to parts like the pump and and a get valve or two, they're important to regulate and shut down a line if you need to, let's say you need maintenance to your pump or you need new gaskets on the bulkheads. Try to avoid the use of many 90 degree elbows and see if you could replace one for a 45° elbow, they help on reducing the head pressure on the pump.
If you think that someday in some future you could need to add more filtration, create a manifold, most common I've seen are 3 way manifolds; my suggestion here would be look for some gate valves instead of Ball valves as the last would get stuck sometimes from build up matter and they're not easy to manipulate over the time and you'd not be able to adjust the flow to your needs, of course, if you go this route.
Last, if you go with the hose plumbing instead just look for black hose (Lee's brand is what I've been using in the biocube) reason is that the clear silicone hose will get full with algae that you might not be able to remove one day.Grab some barb connectors if you decide to the manifold route.
I'm sorry if this is not the kind of help that you're looking for but I'm just trying to help some, it might just sound silly and you already have some experience on plumbing... last time I've got a quote on installing my tank... ...that's another history.
Great advice Antonio! If you can wait until after the expo (Im buried right now) I could probably help you out. Im NOT an expert plumber though. :)
No expert here and totally covered up ATM but I did plumb my 4', 75 gallon.

In the beginning it was totally overwhelming but took one step at a time. Plumbed it with PVC and before gluing PVC I posted a picture "HERE" for approval and advice. I wanted dual filter socks which ended up being the biggest pain do to space. After posting HELP PLEASE several ideas were given but an old-timer gave me a simple suggestion that work perfect!!!

Pick up extra materials in case you cut wrong, a PVC cutter (it's cheap & easy), check valve, primer & glue, and always use NEW bulkheads don't glue uuntil you're confident.

Hope this helps a little if you don't find a helper. Life is just so crazy busy nowadays!

Looking forward to seeing the results please post updates the of the build.
Like everyone else I have a laundry list of my own chores to do but I live in Cumming and if you want to come by and take a look at mine I can show you what I've done. Could also give you some pointers on things I might have done differently. If you have never done one before it can seem pretty overwhelming but it's really only as complicated as you want it to be. PM me if you're interested and I can send you my address.
Hello all. Sry I haven't posted as I have been busy also! Thanks for all the input. I am going with soft plumbing as the old oceanic tank already had barbs installed. I have all of my hardware and ready to hook up next week.

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I have spent literally hours reading on this site and it's tremendous:"></a>

This guy really knows what he's talking about. As someone who had a Durso overflow in our family room for several years, I plan to go with something more silent next time around. He goes into [I]great</em> detail about the Herbie overflow (which is easy to do in a pre-drilled tank) but the Bean Animal overflow is even better (but harder to do).