Help Urchin question

seedless reefer

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I have a helmeted urchin in Lindas tank.

I have drained the water and the urchin is stuck on the side of the overflow and he is strong.

I am afraid of yanking any ideas on how to get him out?

I was going to say get him off but you vultures would have had a field day with that one!
credit card or thin sheet of acrylic? slide a little at a time in between?
Loren, I've got my feet up and too lazy to walk down the hall.

Do this: take the maxijet with the hose attached and with the pump sitting in the tank water, direct the flow onto the urchin. Clip the hose there and just leave it. That little guy doesn't care for flow; eventually, I think he'll slide down into the tank. If nothing else, it at least keeps water on him so he doesn't dry out and die.
I always just pull mine off. Never seem sto hurt him. He keeps on chuggin. He's actually on overflow duty right now. Just completed sump duty.
Derek_S;297835 wrote: I always just pull mine off. Never seem sto hurt him. He keeps on chuggin. He's actually on overflow duty right now. Just completed sump duty.

Derek, do you have a helmet urchin? My tuxedo urchin was never a problem -- easy to get him off the glass.

But this guy is reeeally attached -- like super glue.

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"This little organism is an urchin despite it's bizarre appearance. Instead of the sharp spines that adorn and protect other urchins, this one is covered in specialized, flattened, scale-like spines that cover the body, and a ring of thick, blunt, paddle-like spines on the bottom around the mouth. They are usually dark, reddish brown in color. The specialized structure of this urchin allows it to firmly grasp the rocks in areas that are bashed by heavy surf and tides. They cling to the rocks to eat the algae that grows there, with very few competitors that are able to cling as they do."</em>
Derek_S;297835 wrote: I always just pull mine off. Never seem sto hurt him. He keeps on chuggin. He's actually on overflow duty right now. Just completed sump duty.

what exactly do they eat during this 'duty?'
Stacy, no I dont, I assumed it was like others. I have never seen one of those. Maybe a Chuck Norris karate chop.
oh crap, it's out of the water? yeah, flush it with a jet! at the same time try to wedge a credit card under him? with his food stench on it?
credit card didn't work. That "fringe" that looks like a skirt around the edge of the urchin -- each little tassel is stuck fast to the glass. I can't even lift one of them.

Guess I'll just leave him alone and hope he drops down into the water. Googling them, I read that they're often attached to the rocks at low tide, so I guess exposure to the air doesn't kill them.

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I've never seen or heard of those urchins. neat. you don't want it drying out though. hummm.......something will release it. try Ron Shimek here:
