Help with an anemone


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Well, long story...

Woke up yesterday, metal halide light would not come on, so even though I was driving 100+ miles to get the anemone (mine and a few for others) I thought it best to pass on a the BTA until lighting issue was solved..... I gave (sold) the one I should have gotten to a new member. Skriz (Raj) was supposed to get one, but had last min. emergency and couldn't pick his up. I ended up with his in my tank for lack of having any other place to put it.

I put it in a corner so it wouldn't attach to a rock in case he could come get it today... JUST MY FREAKIN LUCK...... It crawled across the tank and attached underneath the best piece of live rock I have! My clam, neon blue shrooms, Huge Kenya Tree AND Raj's anemone are all attached to the nicest piece of aquacultered live rock I have..... IN A TANK WITH NO LIGHT!!!!!

Any suggestions?

(I will consider any suggestion, not excluding one that includes the use of an accelerant and a Zippo) Its been a BAD 24 hours.....

I moved this post so that it can have its own thread and maybe get a response.
My advice,

With no light the anemone should move to look for light. When it is on the move, snatch it up.

Other then that, removing the rock is about the only good way to get him off. Move the rock out of the water dso that the foot of the anemone is out of the water, he should let go.
Man...... When I saw this post was its on thread I thought I was loosing my mind. I didn't remember starting a thread on this topic.

Please keep in mind that I've done nothing but search for my car keys for the past 18 hours, and you know how madening that can be..... (they were just found in an ARC members purse..... she will remain nameless for now)

Like I said, bad 24 hours......

Right now the anemone seems to be perfectly content in the impossible to get to </em>hole it is in......

(still, the first mention of the word accelerant </em>and I am so "there"!
Man, now I know what Alanis Moresset meant by "good advice you just can't use"........

It was almost impossible to get this anemone out of the bag as it had attached to the plastic....
Dakota9;75850 wrote: Please keep in mind that I've done nothing but search for my car keys for the past 18 hours, and you know how madening that can be..... (they were just found in an ARC members purse..... she will remain nameless for now)

Darnit... since you let the cat out of the bag, I was forced to make">this post</a>.

Kiss yer hot little wheels adios!

With those other corals and that beautiful attached to that rock... I wouldn't attempt the anemone dangle trick out of water that Brandon is suggesting.

Yes that's the normal procedure I use as well to remove an anemone, but you should exhaust other possibilities first.

Other methods that have worked for me include, using a STRONG powerhead to curl up part of the foot and then peeling the rest away. Using an ice cube on the foot of the anemone to freak it out so that it pulls off. Careful with pulling really large porous rocks out of the water as well. All of the sponges inside the rock will all die when exposed to air and you can have a mini-cycle.
I did not see the clam in that mix... Should have read better, yes, you do not want to take the clam out of the water. My Bad...
At this point I figure I'm pretty much screwed either way I turn. I'm most concerned with the clam, as it is the most highly prized item in my tank right now. (my wrasse jumped to its death, and I'm hearing his tiny little whispers in my head, beckoning me to join him)

Maybe I'll be in better spirits if I work on my new tank to try to get it up and running.

Thanks for all the advice!
Hes still under that rock...

No worries, I'm hooking up a borrowed MH pentant right now..
Dakota9;76286 wrote: Hes still under that rock...

No worries, I'm hooking up a borrowed MH pentant right now..

Dakota, is the light working out?
I'll let you know in a minute.......

I posted to Fester (Greg) that I was hooking it up about 4:15 PM, then remembered my son's fencing class........ We were like 2 minutes late.

Now, Mr. Procrastination is hooking it up now...,
Actually now, I'm going to wait until Chaz gets home because the light is long enough to reach from the ceiling. My sunroom has 9+ foot ceilings and I don't want to bother going to get the ladder from the garage. Chaz can stand in a chair and with his long monkey arms reach the ceiling to install the anchor.........

I'll keep you in formed....

(was this a thread highjack? No, it's my own thread, ok, I guess thats ok then.... Later
I got it up and its working, not a bad light at all actually. I've got one small problem with it and hope you are up to answer a pm when I'm through here.

The light drew the anemone out of the hole, now it is perched magnificently right smack on my clam........ From frying pan to fire I guess!