Help with an IDs please


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I know the pic is bad...I don't have a macro lens and its the best I can get. the thing that needs id is in the center, direct to the left of the snail/hermit.

It's pink/purple...blends in pretty well with my coralline algae. It is translucent and has little tentacles that resemble what comes out of my candy cane corals. when i poke it, they all retract and it goes flat against the rock to where you can barely see it for the rock.

Thats the first thing.

The second which I don't have pics of are two tiny oblong white bubbles (about a centimeter in diameter) but they have an opening at the end of each.

I'll try and get a pic of the bubbles...but without the macro it's tough.

Any suggestions for ID welcome!
looks like your camera wants to focus JUST to the left of what you're pointing at... I cant tell what it is.

Do you have a magnifying glass? Try taking a pic thru that, you might be surprised at what kind of pics you can get... it'll probably take a few tries.
The first one sounds like a majano anemone. The second one sounds like a pineapple sponge.
Tony, I'll try that.

Just took some pics from another side for the bubble things. Also got the pink thing from the side which seems a better pic.

THEN I saw something that worries the second picture Aiptasia? I'll not be happy about that.

Future...I'll research those two things. I imagine the sponge would be harmless. What about majano anemone?
The pink one? Here's one final attempt at a good picture.

I'm going to get Joes Juice and kill those others. There are three of them and I think they are somewhat new. As pretty as they are, it's not worth the risk.
Oooh, maybe. That looks very close.

Btw, it's about 1/2 inch across and is out during the day under the MH lamp so not afraid of the light.
I dont think thats a cup coral. i believe its a type of anemone tho I dont know that for sure. Thu my personal observation of these guys they split, and stay pretty small, like less than a half inch.... atleast thats as large as I've seen mine get. I dont know if something in my tank eats them or they move so i dont see or they die after soemtime, but I've notice them dissappear. Sooooo basically I dont have a clue what it is or anything about it, lol. Just make sure you keep an eye on it.
I am going to go with Glxtrix on this one. I think it is Anenome as well. Maybe a Glass Anenome?
Does this look like it?
Looks a lot like pseudocorynactis spp. Which I think is a type of corallimorph. I'm not sure if it is good or bad. I have 3 of them in a place in my tank I can't get to so I have left them alone.
tsciarini;49160 wrote: possibly a pearl anemone?

ohh... DDUURRR!! I meant jewel anemone...

jewels... pearls... you can see how I would mix that up right? :) lol
I think thats it. Theres a picture on this article that looks similar. Tentacles have balls and same color. I'll leave it alone unless it causes mischief."></a>

Thanks Bud for the ID...+1 for you.

[QUOTE=][B]Budsreef;49247 wrote:[/B] Looks a lot like pseudocorynactis spp. Which I think is a type of corallimorph. I'm not sure if it is good or bad. I have 3 of them in a place in my tank I can't get to so I have left them alone.[/QUOTE]
they say in that article that those get to 6" or so, hopefully its not what you have, but I'm pretty sure its not. Might be a variation of that anemone and if it is, I'ld say kill it because of its stinging power.