Help with Clove Polyps


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I have some rainbow clove polyps that won't stay open. I noticed small white bumps on their stalks but not a ton. Is this normal behavior? Could it be some sort of disease like zoa pox?

Mine always looked like that (the bumps)... the tissue can pick up sand grains/rock specks very easily. They also didn't seem to care much about what lighting they were under, so long as it wasn't blasting high or in the dark.

If they're not opening try moving them or otherwise changing the flow that they're in.
Good to know! I'm going to try moving them into more lighting and flow. I had zoa pox before so I was getting nervous.
Understandable. IME rainbow cloves don't get pox, but they do grow in some pretty funky ways that can mimic the appearance and can melt with little to no warning.
Do you have a picture?

When I had blue clove polyps, those jokers spawned like mad... all over the place. And when they'd spawn there would be little white specs all over the place, I surmise they were gametes.

They sort of resemble pox but they definitely weren't.

I think that's what they are. I did some research as well. They are growing at a unusually fast rate. I put them in more light and flow and they seem to like it a lot better!