Help with coral choice


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I currently have a 5.5 gallon aquarium with some zoas and mushrooms but I would like to add some height. What are some soft coral that grow up more than out? Also hoping for something that will act a little like a shade tree for the mushrooms they are under LED and may want some relief (they look good just don't want them to lose color). Also on a side note what would be a pretty hardy fish that would swim around for this tank. A little more movement would be nice.
Pulsing xenias are awesome. Kenya tree is pretty too and both are fairly fast growers in the right conditions. I'm not sure about fish. I've mostly seen one tiny goby in pico tanks.
I have pulsing xenia in my 5.5g AIO and it is growing great with 2 screw in 50/50 bulbs.
Little yellow clown goby for fish. Not sure about a softie with height. Xenia would be good but grows very quickly.