Help With Gorgian

saltwater junky

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Hey Guy I Was Wondering If I Can Place My Gorgian Directly Under Metal Halides Or Should I Keep It In The Shade.
I would keep it more under the shade, if you want to try to move it, do it slowly. Let it adjust to the new light and he might take to it. I have has success moving many "low" light corals directly under my 175W halides but the key is to do it slowly. If he does not do well pull him and you got your answer.
what kind of Gorgian are you talking about?

There are many kind of Gorgian, but you can breack it down to 2 king.

they are either poisonous or not. You will have to feed them if they are not poisonous and may want to keep them away from derect light.
If it's non-photosynthetic (I assume you meant "Gorgonian"), unless you're putting it so close that the heat is a factor, it shouldn't matter. Non-photosynthetic gorgonians are found at higher depths and in shade most times not because they require it, but because they don't require sunlight and have little or no competition in low light areas. Now that said, low light areas are also less prone to algae growth which can quickly take over and kill a gorgonian. You should also keep it in an area of high flow.

You will definitely need regular feedings. I feed mine home grown phytoplankton and it appears to react to Cyclopeze, but I'm not sure if it's actually eating it.