Hello all! I’m a slightly new reef keeper, I’ve been at it for about 9 months
anyways, I’m starting to dip my toes in LPS and SPS. I’ve had success with Frogspawn, goniopora, and Duncan’s, and have some new trumpet coral that’s doing well. However, the first monti cap I got was munched on by my Blenny, and was basically skeleton until I took the Blenny out, and now it’s getting its color back!! But I got a small green cap from my lfs a week or so ago, and put it high up in my tank with relatively low flow, and it was practically skeleton within days. I also have a chalice that was one of many things Justin Cook fragged for me, and it wasn’t doing to well at first, but it’s slowly bouncing back from when I put it in!! It just started regaining color 2 days ago. I definetly think that at least part of it will make it! But anyways, is there a reason why some stony coral makes it and not others? (Basically my monti) lol. I’m running Fluval Sea marine spectrum on a 29 standard. I haven’t tested the ca, mg, and alk in a while because I don’t have the proper test kit anymore, but last time I checked everything was within normal range. All my normal params were good too. Thanks in advance!! 

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