help with leather frag please


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ok i got a long tentacle toadstool frag....i put it on a piece of LR and wrapped the bridal gown stuff around it to keep it against the LR......The first day the long tentacles were kind coming out....but since then i havent seen any tentacles maybe a day or since since the tentacles have been out.....

Should i be worried about this?
also i hear leathers are pretty hardy so should i worry about placement as far as flow and lighting go?

i mean i had in the the bottom left corner of my tank on the sand bed....very low flow....and i have 8 T5's so the lighting would be ok i think.

any help is greatly appreciated....Thanks Guys!!
Instead of bridal veil which will push on the top of it and maybe mess with the tentacles you could use toothpicks. I've seen people stab the frag with a toothpick at the base and then use a rubber band to secure it to a rock. Then you just remove the toothpick when the leather attaches.
I have a huge pink and green finger leather that I took two pieces from and fragged. I put two rubberbands on each side of it on a small rock at a diagonal. One going in one direction and one going the other.

Your leather is fine. It is adjusting. I placed mine on the sandbed to the left of the tank so it got flow but not alot to push it out of the rubberbands. It took two weeks to adhere to the rock and the rubberbands were removed.

Hope this helps.
yeah.....i just looked again and i am starting to see the little tentacles coming out again.........i guess i was just paranoid as i am with every other coral i have put in my tank.

Thanks guys
Don't worry about it; thats normal. My toadstool is probably 4 years old and he does that from time to time.