Help with mushrooms.


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I have some nice pieces of live rock that unfortunately are infested with mushrooms. I'd like to keep the live rocks and remove the mushrooms. I can place these rocks into a separate tank. Any suggestions on what might like to eat them?
Any experience would be appreciated.
a peppermint shrimp that has not been feed will eat them all. but why not cut and or scrap them off? What do they look like? Any chance you could take a picture to show us?
You could try cutting the mushrooms off their stock with a razor blade and put them in a submerged Critter Carrier filled with rubble. I didn't have one handy so I used a mason jar and some of my wife's old old pantyhose ( DO NOT USE HER NEW ONES-I will not be held responsible of what ever beat down that might ensue)

You might lose some of them but most should reattach. As for the part left on the rock I've used Acroholic's "Reef Napalm" recipe ( use the search feature for it) and burn 'em right off. If not, the 'shrooms probably will come back.
dang Eric you beat me to it... what are you doing up at this time of night?
hell i sleep **** near to lunch time today. i will be up all night :(
If you wanted to save them and have a tank ready, cut them off as flush as possible (getting the mouth) and put them in the separate tank with rubble and low flow. They will settle in and attach pretty fast and pass them onto beginners...
If any return on the rock you don't want them on use could use Dave recipe above or squirt with lemon juice using a needle and syringe thru the mouth.
Camellia;991038 wrote: If you wanted to save them and have a tank ready, cut them off as flush as possible (getting the mouth) and put them in the separate tank with rubble and low flow. They will settle in and attach pretty fast and pass them onto beginners...
If any return on the rock you don't want them on use could use Dave recipe above or squirt with lemon juice using a needle and syringe thru the mouth.

+1 - save them and pass them on
The majority of these are located in spots where the only way to get to them is by removing the rock. There are lots and lots of them. I am willing to remove the rocks and place them into another tank. I was hoping that some fish or shrimp would eat them and I would be left with live rocks. I could use the Napalm - I have some Sodium Hydroxide - that will kill them and anything else it touches. So will the peppermint shrimp - eat them all ? Can several of them be in the same tank? Any fish that might help move it along? Picture of what they look like is attached.
Thanks for your input
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I hear that a lot about it killing everything else. If you take a syringe with a needle on it and insert it into the mouth and administer a small amount, not a lot just till you see it beginning to seep out, it will not get on anything else. Leave all flow off for 15&#8211;20 mins and let it do its thing. I will do this right before a water change.nthen when I siphon the water out of the tank the shroom will come right off, up the hose, into the waste bucket. Replace water, flow back on. Done mushrooms gone. Very easy but you do need to be careful when administering the solution
bhbbhb;991110 wrote: The majority of these are located in spots where the only way to get to them is by removing the rock. There are lots and lots of them. I am willing to remove the rocks and place them into another tank. I was hoping that some fish or shrimp would eat them and I would be left with live rocks. I could use the Napalm - I have some Sodium Hydroxide - that will kill them and anything else it touches. So will the peppermint shrimp - eat them all ? Can several of them be in the same tank? Any fish that might help move it along? Picture of what they look like is attached.
Thanks for your input

Looking at that rock you have a lot of mouths that you can nuke. I would knock that out in one run. I don't know anything that will eat them but I could be wrong. Shrooms can be a pain in the butt and completely over run a tank. Ask me how I know this:yuk:
I found pencil urchins do really well for kenya trees, mushrooms, and zoas... I lost quite a large amount of them a few years ago. Needless to say I don't put urchins in with softies...
Why not just trade them to someone who likes them? You can break up the rock into smaller pieces if you wish.

Seems a shame to kill off perfectly healthy mushrooms just because you don't want them.


jennm;991629 wrote: why not just trade them to someone who likes them? You can break up the rock into smaller pieces if you wish.

Seems a shame to kill off perfectly healthy mushrooms just because you don't want them.


My lfs just laughed when I tried that with shrooms and Xenia. I have no one to give them to down hear. I'm really not a kill freak they just want grow in my back yard &#55357;&#56841;
Man people sending me trade offers on something that belongs to others. Please pay attention.