Help with parasite identificaton


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I have had this Blue Tang in Copper Power for Quarantine for the last 21 days. It is eating well, seems to be at ease and happy. However the 2 large white things hanging near the base of the tail have me concerned. I suspected flukes so I did a freshwater bath for 5 minutes two days ago. What does this look like to you? The outside of the specimen container has salt residue all over it but the 2 larger white things near the dorsal "tooth" are what concern me.
I have a video but can't up load that, let me work on getting it up to my youtube channel
I did a 5 gallon water change and added some cuppisorb to the filter overnight to start removing copper and today I am not seeing these 2 white bits. I will monitor him a bit longer to see if it needs other treatment.
It is doing great. The whitespots went away after I started removing the copper and did a water change. I took this video 2 days after adding it to my office tank. (and yeah that is a huge apstasia growing out of my overflow, these dudes are crafty) Since this video it's condition has continued to improve.