Help with Red Algae?


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ok...80 gallon tank 8 t5's set up for about 6 months now.
running a HOB skimmer HOB 330 filter no bio wheels in it.

yellow tang
3 green chromis

i noticed the other day a red type of film algae growing over the rock you can see through this red film but you can tell its growing over the rock. also the rock next to that has a thick bright red looking algae. it doesnt look like a hair algae just a bright red color to it like carpet maybe.

any help on how to battle this?
Usually you get this where there is less flow and when your nitrates are a little high. I would increase the flow in that area and watch how much you feed. Might want to test nitrates. One way to remove it from the rocks is to use a turkey baster and blow it off. It is then wisked away to never never land. A turkey baster for the aquarium can be used to dust the rocks off for detrius.etc., and then it gets to skimmer or sump and keeps things looking good. I do this before I do a water change and suck some of the stuff out of the tank with the old water.

Ph: 7.9
Ammonia: .5???? never had this not sure why?
Trates: 0

calcium and alk are both right on par a little high but they have always been this way. calc at 500 alk at 130

ok i have moved a powerhead in that gengeral area should i just wait it out now? what woudl casue my ammonia to be at .5?