Help with Tubs blues


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OK I have had about 15 polyps of Tubbs blues for around 4 to 5 months. I have noticed that about every third week or so they close up and stay closed for about a week. I have also heard of other people having this problem. All my normal perams are good and I have moved them a couple of times so I cant figure it out. One thing I did notice is that when they did it the first few times I would pull them out and give them an iodine dip for precuationary measures. They would almost open up immediatly after. It got me to thinking maybe I should start dosing it but I am scared because I dont test for it because the kits are pricey. What does everybody think? Could I have to low of iodine levels? I have talked with other reefers that said they have had a hard time with them also so what am I missing?
I am assuming you checked for irritants like nudis, etc? and none of your other zoas/palys are affected? I have a colony of Mint chocolated zoas that also close up for no apparent reason (I know there has to be one) when all my other zoas/palys are doing fine. Not sure why, so I take them out and give them a fw dip and an iodine dip as well and they usually bounce back. I haven't seen any nudi eggs or adult nudibranch on any of my corals but it does make me worry too.
Yep, I have checked them for nudi's, zoa pox and none of my others are effected. I have just been doing a saltwater dip with seachem coral disinfectant (iodine) and they come back. The past few times I havn't done anything and they opened back up. I'm confused :unsure:
I use Procoral cure from Tropic Marin for Iodine and a short dip in RO. I hope your Blue Tubs do well! Are they growing at all?
bobz;211641 wrote: I use Procoral cure from Tropic Marin for Iodine and a short dip in RO. I hope your Blue Tubs do well! Are they growing at all?
Not really but I have not lost any so I guess thats good.
Thanks dawg. I dont think that they are getting to much light they are at the bottom af a 30 cube with a 150 sunpod and even in the shadow of my overflow right now. I will try an RO/ iodine dip and see if that helps. I have done it with a SW/iodine dip and it seams to have an effect but they close back up a couple of weeks later.

Its weird because this time I just let them ride without a dip and they stayed closed for about a week and are starting to open back without intervention. Why cant it be my cheap zoas that are doing this. :bash2:
a high dose of iodide in sw works well and is not as harsh as using fw.
Why take them out and dip them? Unless there is something on the outside of them that a dip may take care of I'm not sure I would put them through the stress. I thought when they are closed they pretty much hold their existing water and aren't likely to expel it or take on new water in a short period. Is it possible some of them are like leathers and just close for a while?
WOOT WOOT, I think I figured it out with my new lighting upgrade. NOT ENOUGH LIGHT. I have always been scared to move them up to the top because I have heard the same thing dawg said that they like lower light conditions. Well 10 minutes after putting my new 250 HQI over the tank they opened up like nobodies business. Should have tried moving them way up before. I will keep yall posted over the next few weeks and we will see if they close up again.
Good! Keep us posted. I was thinking about getting some but I've held off. It would be nice to know how yours make out.