
Anything change in your tank? Did you add or remove something? I'm with @civics14. It's hard to tell. Take a turkey baster and blow the bubbles away. Watch to see if they return and how they form. Do you have micro bubbles coming into the DT from someplace or do the bubbles seem to come from the rock? When did you last test your parameters? What were they? I know these are more questions and not answers to yours. However, we need more information to help you get some sort of logical answer.
Looks like green hair algae mixed with cyano. The first step should be testing all of the tank parameters. That will help us determine what exactly it might be,
I have multiple tanks on the same system so they share water, I have a cyano outbreak in only one tank of the three that has cheap lights with more white than blue, while the other two tanks have no detectable levels of cyano. So based on my experience it is not only nutrients (mine are low for nitrate and phosphate <2 and .1) but light spectrum is a big part of the reason for outbreaks.
Dinos or cyano. Or a mix of both. That is certainly something turning light into food and releasing CO2, that is what the bubbles are.

If this is a tank less than a year old, don't worry. Just watch your parameters. I would remove what you can, like with a siphon hose. Or blow with turkey baster and use a physical filter to catch it.
Yeah I checked my nitrate it’s 3 nyos checker and phosphate at 0.02 using Hanna Phosphate ULR I was removing my sand a little at a time every week to go bare bottom. When I did a water change yesterday those bubbles started to show up I started chemiclean this morning to see if that will help.