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<span style="font-size: 12px;">I Had my first fish casualty today. I bought a second Percula clown to keep the first one company. I put him it the tank on Saturday. The two began to fight but a few hours later peace seemed to prevail. On Monday I notice that the two small fins below the belly of the perc where folded. Yesterday I noticed some whit film on his side. This afternoon when I got home he was just about dead with more white film visible. Any thoughts? Do any of the LFS offer a guarantee? I hate wasting $25. I tested all of the parameters and every thing is perfect. BTW I do my own tested and then I get an LFS to confirm them so I know I am doing it right.
Most LFSs do not offer any gaurentee on fish. Some of the online vendors do.

White film huh?!? While he was still alive?!? Could be a fish disease... Brook, fungus, a few others. You did not by chance snap a picture did you?!?
Omg now I have white specs floating all over my tank. What is that.

here is another problem.I Had my first fish casualty today. I bought a second Percula clown to keep the first one company. I put him it the tank on Saturday. The two began to fight but a few hours later peace seemed to prevail. On Monday I notice that the two small fins below the belly of the perc where folded. Yesterday I noticed some whit film on his side. This afternoon when I got home he was just about dead with more white film visible. Any thoughts? Now my first colown has it too.
What to do??
sorry to hear about your fish loss. Did he have white spots on his side like ich? The pinched fins under his belly is a sign of being sick. The stress from the move and being picked on would have caused this.
I found this article on Oodinium (Velvet Fish Disease) and it sounds like what your fish are suffering from.
are you dosing calcium? If so, it most likely precipitated. Is it gone this morning?
At any rate, this site seems to be a good one for diagnosing disease:"></a>

Brandon can probably point you towards other good sites.
If the fish were going at it, it could simply be damage to the fish. Clowns are in the Damsel Family and do not tolerate each other in many cases. One of the reasons mated clowns are more valueable.
<span style="font-size: 12px;">I think Liverock27 has it right. There are white specs all through the tank and the fish has a white vial. I did a fresh water dip today and the vial came off.
The fish is still alive so we&#8217;ll see what happens. I am told that it is a parasite.
the second clown is dead and it is "snowing" in my tank. Am I going to lose every thing????
Sorry to hear about your second clown. You said it is "snowing" in your tank? What are you dosing (calcium, mag., buffer, etc)? The snowing can be from adding too much calcium to the tank. What all test kits do you have and what are you testing for?
<span style="font-size: 12px;">Drew sorry I missed you at SWC this AM. Would have liked to meet you. The only dosing I have done was a very small amount of PH buffer. One eight teaspoon. The majority of specs in the tank was from to little water in the sump. I know, not the brightest star in the sky (me). There are still some which I assume to be the parasites that killed my fish. Mike suggested I dose the fish with formalin during acclimation in the future. He explained that it is common for new fish to have parasites.</span>
<span style="font-size: 12px;">As far as testing I use test strips by Jungle for Nitrites, Nitrates, Alk. And PH. I also test for calcium with kit from API. I got a Liquid PH kit by Tetra recently because I find the strips hard to read for ph.</span>
<span style="font-size: 12px;">I have had my water tested by 3 different LFS and they all agree with my readings. Is there a reef safe Med. For Ick and or Oodinium? Loosing a prized fish is what made me quit the hobby years ago.</span>
<span style="font-size: 12px;">BTW are you going to the meeting on Tues?</span>
<span style="font-size: 12px;">The tank looks better today and my spirits are up. Every thing else, corals and inverts. Seam to be doing well. I put two new corals in today . I have been advised to wait 2 to 4 weeks before putting in another fish.
Any time things are shifting in your tank for unexplained reasons, just wait it out. Adding new stuff even small new stuff isn't a good idea while things are in an uproar. You have a lot of time and it is always a good idea to use some of it between changes in a tank.