Here's my community... can I squeeze in one more fish?

linda lee

Active Member
Reaction score
90g DT with 120g total water volume

2 yellow-tail damsels, small
clownfish pair
bangaii cardinal pair
yellow tang, small
bi-colored blenny
6-line wrasse
dwarf golden moray eel

11 fish total .. 1 cleaner shrimp... 1 serpent star.. various hermits/snails

I really want a flame angel, but would that be a bad idea?

Skimmer is a MR1
:) Afraid to answer.....but yes.... you should what I have in my 90 :)
Linda, how do you like your bangaii cardinals? Thinking of getting them. But just soaking in as much info as I can about them before purchase.
ramone;200098 wrote: Linda, how do you like your bangaii cardinals? Thinking of getting them. But just soaking in as much info as I can about them before purchase.

I have a mated pair and would highly recommend this fish. They're peaceful, and spend most of their time hanging out together. Three times the male has carried eggs/fry, but I don't have a way to catch/raise them.

If you get these, please be sure to locate tank-raised specimens, as their habitat is limited and
a>.  Tank-raised are becoming easier to find.
I say yes. Most of your fish are pretty small anyway and don't poop as much. I am guessing your eel doesn't eat the smaller fish? I haven't had luck with the flames, but I only tried once.
I'd vote yes, too. mostly smaller fish that don't produce much waste, and are pretty hardy, too. A flame should be OK as long as there's plenty of rock to graze. They can be hit or miss with some corals, though. Mine went after all my digitata when I had one a few years back. Beautiful to look at, though.
I don't see a problem. You might need to bump up the filtration/water changes if you start seeing an imbalance such as algae growth, but you should be quite fine. I ran about twice that number of fish in my 135g without issue.
I have the following in my 90 with a 20-30 gal refug sump:
2 small Rod Oynx Clowns hosting in a hammer coral
5 green chromis
1 Royal Gramma ( has lived in teh overflow for about 5 months)
1 Medium Yellow Tang
1 Kole Tang
1 yellow watchman
1 Diamond Goby
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Flame Angel

All get along well and no issues so far. The protein skimmer does get a workout producing lots of skimmer juice but I like to feed well. I would say go for it as its not as much as I have and no where near Todd's bioload.
