hey guys new member


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Hey guys i just paid for my membership few seconds ago!!!! YAY!!!!!! I Figured i could become a mem practicaly free as i was buying a $400 light from aquarium specialty lol save 40 on the light so in long run mem was free for me lol :) i was planning on joining anyways :) hey how do i get my discount on the light?
Somebody was giving frags away for new members, you might be able to take advantage of that!!!!

EDIT: It'll be the best money you ever spent in this hobby!
If anyone finds the thread for free frags for new mem send me a link please if ya have time i have to go pick my gf up from school lol.
Not frags but here is one
I think they were running an "after Thanksgiving" sale also but started it a few days early. You might get a heckuva deal on that light.
lol got the light for 389!!! and that was with shipping!! Awesome!!!! Akready glad to be a mem!!! The thanksgiving sale is working now! And cr500 i used to belong to a another fish forum (but i changing lol this ones better!) i know the pic rule lol!!