Well, I just joined ARC and I am looking forward to being part of the local reefing community instead of just lurking in the forums. I have been keeping reef tanks for seven years and have stuck with smaller tanks..... My first was a 14 gallon bio-cube, then to a 33 gallon oceanic cube, and I just moved (4 weeks ago) everything to a reef octopus luxury 90 tank(48 gallons). So I'm slowly moving up and enjoying it more every day. I will try to post some pics of the new tank(phone pics). I have a 20 long for a sump with glass baffles and an eshopps 120 cone skimmer, a tunze 1073.05 dc return pump and two 6095 tunze nano streams on a 7096 controller (I do like tunze products). Everything else is controlled by a reef keeper light, and lighting is taken care of by two kessil A350's. I look forward to being part of the ARC community and sharing the progress of my reef tank.
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