Hi I'm FredFish and I have an addiction........


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Well, I just joined ARC and I am looking forward to being part of the local reefing community instead of just lurking in the forums. I have been keeping reef tanks for seven years and have stuck with smaller tanks..... My first was a 14 gallon bio-cube, then to a 33 gallon oceanic cube, and I just moved (4 weeks ago) everything to a reef octopus luxury 90 tank(48 gallons). So I'm slowly moving up and enjoying it more every day. I will try to post some pics of the new tank(phone pics). I have a 20 long for a sump with glass baffles and an eshopps 120 cone skimmer, a tunze 1073.05 dc return pump and two 6095 tunze nano streams on a 7096 controller (I do like tunze products). Everything else is controlled by a reef keeper light, and lighting is taken care of by two kessil A350's. I look forward to being part of the ARC community and sharing the progress of my reef tank.
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Nice tank and welcome good to see some more members at least on the south side of atl.
Welcome to the addiction!

I like those lights... Several sellers( proaqutics, WWC off the top of my mind) at the the coral expo had them on their displays, they looked good.
sharij1;882054 wrote: What kind of lights are those? They look GREAT!

There the kessil a350s, looks to be the 20ks judging by the picture but could be the 14ks, sweet little pendants
Very nice tank. Glad you decided to join us. Lets see some close ups of your livestock.

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Hello FredFish my name is Hutch and I'm an addict too! Welcome to this VERY diverse group of fellow addicts! I was told I could start this hobby for $1500, what a "lie" that was. Anyway, your just around the corner from me! If you have anything you need to give away due to space issues, let me know I'm here for you buddy! Take care, H