hidding anemone


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ok so i bought an anemone to day and it beautiful but the thing is hidding now it is now behind the rick i put him in here take a look the one after is where i put him
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Feed him some joes juice... that stuff should entice him out into the open.


DISCLAIMER: That is a JOKE and you should NOT use Joes Juice. Joes Juice will do very bad things to your anemone.... and yes it does worry me that I do have to put this disclaimer on my post.
ok so after 10 minutes of lights out i go to check on him and hes about to kill my clam moved him to front this thing is scaring me
BTAs will mostly prefer to hang upside down on a ledge it seems. Some where they can stretch up a and reach the light.

When I aquascaped my tank, I made two BTA ledges for that purpose. 1 BTA has never moved from the ledge I put him on, and the other only moved after a 36 hour "lights out" to kill algae. I have to try to coax him back in place.

A ledge directly up under the light is the best place for them. Sounds like you're anemone was a little confused from the move and didn't realize it was lights out time. Place him where you want him (and a place he'll like)tomorrow morning right before the lights come on, after that, he should stay.........
you might also try stacking some rocks around the foot to make a hole, rose anemonies seem to like their foot to feel safe....atleast thats the case with mine. Obviously dont pile rock on the actual foot.
Staples... galvanized staples.

DISCLAIMER: That is a JOKE and you should NOT staple your anemone to the rockwork, the glass or acrylic or any other surface. Stapling your anemone will likely just cause it to get angry with you and proceed to detach itself, slip out of the tank grabbing a fish along the way and slapping you with the cold dead fish while you sleep.
Victor this is gonna happen and it takes a while before they settle in to the tank. Mine stays in the same spot 95% of the time but occaisionally takes a little walk. Just make sure those powerheads are protected and make sure he doesnt sit on one of your prized corals. All should be well.
ok so the anemone is happy wee i put him last night i left the light on aand i think he likes it there cause his food is planted in the back and yes dakota you are right they do like to hang baackwards and they do like little holes
im not a hundred percent happy were he is but its his new home and as long as he is happy and in front to diplay him self im happy will keep you posted and will take pics later waite here goes one here
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Cameron;96877 wrote: Feed him some joes juice... that stuff should entice him out into the open.


DISCLAIMER: That is a JOKE and you should NOT use Joes Juice. Joes Juice will do very bad things to your anemone.... and yes it does worry me that I do have to put this disclaimer on my post.

Cameron;96967 wrote: Staples... galvanized staples.

DISCLAIMER: That is a JOKE and you should NOT staple your anemone to the rockwork, the glass or acrylic or any other surface. Stapling your anemone will likely just cause it to get angry with you and proceed to detach itself, slip out of the tank grabbing a fish along the way and slapping you with the cold dead fish while you sleep.

Dude....you are killing me!!!!:lol2:
glxtrix;96940 wrote: you might also try stacking some rocks around the foot to make a hole, rose anemonies seem to like their foot to feel safe....atleast thats the case with mine. Obviously dont pile rock on the actual foot.

Yes, Lee is right. Once they find a nice crevice which covers and protects their foot nicely, they will never move (assuming everything else stays nice and they aren't splitting.)