High-End Aquarium Gallery/Store?


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Johns Creek
Has Atlanta ever had an aquarium gallery/store like this?

We are blessed with a lot of great LFSs, and I think companies like SEA Atlanta do work in this vein, but I've never run into anything quite like this. With as many luxury showrooms as we have in Atlanta for consumer products (cars, furniture, etc.), it seems like there would be a place for this.
Has Atlanta ever had an aquarium gallery/store like this?

We are blessed with a lot of great LFSs, and I think companies like SEA Atlanta do work in this vein, but I've never run into anything quite like this. With as many luxury showrooms as we have in Atlanta for consumer products (cars, furniture, etc.), it seems like there would be a place for this.

We have at least one club member I know of personally who does this sort of thing for a living, and travels the world pretty extensively doing it, in addition to maintaining setups here in ATL. I'm pretty sure we have at least one or two more, as well. They just don't, AFAIK, keep a show room like this.
Something like this is probably a bit more practical in NYC or LA - or Houston - places with a much higher population- and business-density, along with a concentration of unreasonable wealth (such as comes from the oil industry, Wall Street or Hollywood) than we have here. Whereas here, I would think most can probably get by on portfolio and resume, to be honest. As you say, SEA Atlanta is here - actually not far from me - but based on their website, I'm guessing it's just an office, not a showroom.

Still... man, if I could make near what I do now, doing something like that, I'm pretty sure I'd be on it in a heartbeat, especially if I got to spend the day piddling with nice tanks like those and talking to people about fish.

I tried to choose ecology for a profession, but, for better or worse, I.T. chose me. When I was looking down the pipe at 8+ years of schooling and well over $300k (in 90's money) for a biology/ecology degree from Emory, and a friend called and offered my 18-year-old self $36k/yr to do tech support, the choice seemed kind of obvious at the time, heh.