HLLE Houston - 2 years later...


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I missed Houston's "birthday"... he came to me on January 28th, 2011. I posted a photo and a thread when I got him, and again last year on Jan 28th. I'm a few days late this year, but I took a new photo of him just now - he actually likes mugging for the camera now.

When he was brought in to me, 2 years ago, he looked like this:

http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28716&d=1296253644" alt="" />

One year ago, he looked like this:

[IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=35197&d=1328983710" alt="" />

The last photo is of him today. Not a whole lot of change in the last year, and that's probably as good as he's going to get, but given what he looked like when he was brought through the door, I'd say he's lucky to still be alive :)

[IMG]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/73338_10151433181080140_1107032035_n.jpg alt="" />

He had severe HLLE (Head & Lateral Line Erosion)... cause(s) are still somewhat debated (not trying to start another debate thread here)... Suffice it to say, that whatever did cause it in the tank he was living in, has been corrected. He's still scarred, some of his skin is still thin, but he's still alive and kicking. More recent information concludes that fine carbon particles can lead to this, and some older thinking include poor water quality, poor diet and even stray electrical current. Again - not starting the debate here... what I DO know is that I tested the water he came in, and it was horrible - nitrate off the map. And I believe he was fed entirely with Sprirulina flakes and nothing more. Whether that had anything to do with it... who knows? I don't know if his keeper used carbon or not. So that's what I know about what happened to him before I got him.

Happy belated "birthday", Houston!
Awesome! Your love for your pets shows through the scar tissue. Keep up the good work.
Thanks :) He's grown on me. Looking now - he's grown quite a bit in the last year. So while the scarring may not be much better, he's bigger. He's closer to the camera in today's picture (he was too close actually!) but relative to last year, I can see the difference now. I don't notice it day to day.

Maybe he's spending less energy "healing" and more on "growing".

Houston did all the work. We just gave him a chance. Better than his having been flushed.
I wish they all did as well as he has. He was by far, the worst looking of all the ones I've taken in, but he's made the most remarkable recovery. Sadly, I have an assortment of yellow tangs that look just horrible - and while they haven't got worse, I think they were too far gone for anything to grow back.

I have a purple that I've had for a few months - he's so-so... I'd hoped he'd bounce back 100%... but so far, no joy.

They're all good little worker bees around the shop, even if none will ever win a beauty contest.

Jenn, you rock!! Now that I am gainfully employed in IT again (Started my new job today), I will definitely be driving your way to get some cool stuff for our 34 gallon tank.

You gave Houston a new life!
Happy Belated Birthday Houston!!! Jenn, that tranformation is nothing short of astounding. My hat is off to you. I have seen him in person and the yellows. It warms my heart to know that all of them have someone who cares for them as if they were the prime specimens they once were.
JennM;834590 wrote: I wish they all did as well as he has. He was by far, the worst looking of all the ones I've taken in, but he's made the most remarkable recovery. Sadly, I have an assortment of yellow tangs that look just horrible - and while they haven't got worse, I think they were too far gone for anything to grow back.

I have a purple that I've had for a few months - he's so-so... I'd hoped he'd bounce back 100%... but so far, no joy.

They're all good little worker bees around the shop, even if none will ever win a beauty contest.


But they are beautiful, their beauty was just not properly cared for. Thank you Jenn for doing this and for bearing the heartache of looking at him everyday before he recovered :) and a very happy birthday to Houston.:yay:
Happy Birthday Houston!!

Great job Jenn, your passion is unmatched.
She must be using that deer antler juice or negatively charged water! lol jk

+1 to everyone above, Jenn you do an awesome job and no doubt you love your animals. Keep up the great work.
Well, like I said, all we did was give him (and the others) a chance. I didn't think he'd survive the night when I got him - just the 'shock' of going from putrid water to clean water freaked him out and he hid in the corner for days. I was only able to get the first picture because for a minute he was too stunned to hide.

I do spend a fair bit of time explaining to new customers that all the 'ugly ducklings' in the coral tanks are "rescues" and not for sale... LOL I'd hate for people to come away thinking I'm selling fish like that...

I'm just glad that Houston and my other 'orphans' are able to live out their lives with some quality.

Doesn't even look like the same fish. I guess another upside of having them in your tanks is you get to give a spiel about proper fish care to those new in the hobby.
Kudo's Jenn. I have same fish with same problem and as you have said, it is a very slow healing process. Recovery is not measured so much by time but by pure perseverance of knowing better conditions/husbandry for their needs.

The satisfaction, if you can say, is knowing they are getting 'better' everyday and not the opposite. That alone, I would say, is worth fighting for...Thanks for sticking it thru and bringing it 'home'!