hob overflow box

been using one for 2 years with no problems. I would suggest using an aqualifter pump to keep the bubbles out and the flow going. You will have to clean it occasionally.
Only when the tube developed a crack and lost it's vaccuum ability. The tank kept pumping water in from the sump and eventually overflowed. Just a freak thing that happened. Outside of that, no problems. Make sure you do a siphon break if you do use one for cases when you lose power.
Seedless Reefer;324448 wrote: They are noisy.

Then you didn't have it set up right (too much time leisuring). I challenge anyone to listen to my tank and tell me they can actually hear my overflow box flowing 400gph.

Bubbles come from 2 causes. If your water flow is too low, the current won't be enough to pull bubbles through the tube. As water falls into the surface skimming box it splashes a bit, and bubbles can be created. They are small and with enough flow they will go right through the tube with no problem. If the flow is low, the bubbles collect at the top of the tube until there is a siphon break.

The other way is algae; if you get algae in your tube it can catch bubbles and eventually catch enough to cause a siphon break.

Oh, and no problems with my overflow box in the 7 months it's been set up. The siphon only breaks when I lift the tube out for cleaning (one of those brushes with the green handle and black bristles that's bendable). I just turn the sink on warm water and go to town with the brush and it's clean as new, been doing that every other month.
Mine is very quiet. The only part on my tank that is noisy is my skimmer outlet which I am working on correcting.
which style of overflow box is better the j-tube style or the other style were it is just one internal box?--- sorry for so many questions just trying to pack my brain with all the info i need before jumping off the deep end--lol
I am changing to the weir CPR style. Not as big in the tank and looks like it would work better then relying one tube. IMO