HOB refugium


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I want to add a mandarin to my system, but I know they require pods to feed on. I have a JBJ-65 AIO so I don't have a sump to add a refugium in. Does anyone have expierence with a HOB refugium when it comes to cultivating pods? I would gladly listen to any ideas when it comes to a way to cultivate pods for my system.
I got a a pair of captive bred mandarin and have had no problem fattening them up on frozen foods. They are very small when they arrive. I did ttm while feeding live baby brine and instant baby brine then introduced to my display. Once in my display, my watchman goby tried to eat them. I removed them and put them back in QT, one didn’t make it. I continued feeding the survivor baby brine until he was a little bigger and I saw him eating other prepared foods. Then I stopped the baby brine. I kept him out of the display for 5-6 months until he roughly doubled in size. Now he’s been back in the display for a couple months far and happy.
Not exactly true. If you are interested, we offer captive bred mandarins on. our website. They are eating pellet foods and frozen foods with no need for live pods. Yes, they are more expensive but they have a much better chance of survival than wild caught and you don't have to worry about running out of live food that is also expensive.

Not exactly true. If you are interested, we offer captive bred mandarins on. our website. They are eating pellet foods and frozen foods with no need for live pods. Yes, they are more expensive but they have a much better chance of survival than wild caught and you don't have to worry about running out of live food that is also expensive.

Are yours tiny when shipped? If you see my previous post, I lost one of my pair to a watchman goby. They looked more like food than pets. I’d order another one if it wasn’t going to require 6 months of qt to grow it large enough to hold its own in the display.
Are yours tiny when shipped? If you see my previous post, I lost one of my pair to a watchman goby. They looked more like food than pets. I’d order another one if it wasn’t going to require 6 months of qt to grow it large enough to hold its own in the display.
They are tiny because the breeder can't hold them that long. We are keeping our with other fish in our fish system and so far so good but they are in tanks with reef fish that have no chance of eating them. If the breeders sold them as adults then they would be even more expensive than they already are. As they say, time is money...