HOB skimmer suggestions


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Setting up a 20g for an added predator tank. (have 3 pieces of live rock and HOB filter on it now and it just cycled) Will be putting in a Dwarf Lion and a Huma Trigger for sure. Not sure if or what anything else. If Blue Damsel keeps being a butt he may end up as lion food LOL. Looking for opinions/suggestions on a decent HOB skimmer. Have a Rios on a 30 and hate it. Will replace RIOS with a sump skimmer when sump is finished. Love my Marinland skimmer on my 72. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
AquaC Urchin, CPR BakPak, TurboFlotor Multi

Slightly off topic, but that tank is a little small for a trigger.
that is a small tank fot that pair....

the Remora is the AquaC HOB, I have a Pro that uses a mag 3 to drive it and it works prttty well.

Thanks for the suggestions I know the tank is not the size I would ultimately like for these fish but I do not plan to get a large trigger to start and by the time he grows I hope to have a larger tank for him. As far as the Dwarf Lion, I had a full size Lion about 24 years ago in a 20 long. He was about 3" when I got him and in 2 years he got to over 10". That was with garbage filtration and the knowledge at that time (no internet just some very not so knowledgeable LFS and contradicting books). He lived about 3 1/2 years and the only reason, I'm pretty sure, he died is during the night he got caught between the back glass and a piece of fan coral "skeleton" I had for decoration. I think he kinda drowned? Maybe he died because he stung the hell out of me 6 months prior and got some kind of infection from me, just joking. LOL Anyway thanks again for the input.
I was selling off a prizm protien skimmer for $40 but I'll take $35 for it. Someone is picking up the tank today so I have no need for it.
The Prizm listed above would work well on that size tank. If it were me, I'd bite at that one (great price), although having used them both, I'd say the Aqua C is still superior.
oldschool52;344772 wrote: Thanks for the suggestions I know the tank is not the size I would ultimately like for these fish but I do not plan to get a large trigger to start and by the time he grows I hope to have a larger tank for him. As far as the Dwarf Lion, I had a full size Lion about 24 years ago in a 20 long. He was about 3" when I got him and in 2 years he got to over 10".

Please don't get a fish with a 'plan' to hope to move to a larger tank. If you don't have that tank now, why do you think you'll have it in 2 years? Stuff comes up and before you know it a year has gone by and that fish is swimming in circles. They need lots of room because they're swimmers. Why don't you pick fish suitable for the tank when they're full grown, and get them as babies.

Also, when the time comes, make sure the species of trigger you get with the lion is compatible. Some triggers will nip at the lion's fins.
ares;344869 wrote: +1 on not a good idea. 20g tank is teeny tiny. remora pro, CPR backpack, they are all a bit shaky as skimmers go, HOB just isnt a real great grouping of skimmer choices. and they arent cheap either.

why throw money down the drain if you are sure you'll be replacing it all in a year? I mean, a trigger, your going to be needing something fairly large, 90g, maybe even 120g, its not like a little step up to a 29g is going to do it.

I'd have to disagree here........

Seems the trend in this hobby is to upgrade a tank before you finish the installation, that's why the WTB/WTS/WTT forum is always the busiest.

I kept a a small trigger in a 55g for a couple of years. He seemed quite content.

True, doing it big once and not having to upgrade would be optimum, I think this is acceptable too.

Just remember that canivores typically produce lots of waste, so maintance is key.

Happy reefing
ares;344869 wrote: +1 on not a good idea. 20g tank is teeny tiny. remora pro, CPR backpack, they are all a bit shaky as skimmers go, HOB just isnt a real great grouping of skimmer choices. and they arent cheap either.

In my experience on a small tank they both work very well.
For those that are so worried about a larger tank upgrade the beginning of January I re-entered this hobby with nada, nothing, no equipment, no tanks , no pumps , no filters, no nothing. I had tanks years ago but gave it all away. Now I have a 72, 30, 20, 2-10s, RO/DI, Skimmers, Pumps, UV, Sumps, Power heads, more test kits than most people who have been in this hobby for years (5 different manufacturers and a freshwater test kit, Freeze dried food, frozen food, flake food and suppliments of all kinds, xtra lighting, xtra filters, etc, etc. So when I say that I will upgrade guess what, I really do mean it. I have found a way to find what I need when I need it. I've done many things for many years, on and off, and learned from a great bunch of people, books, internet to name a few. Like I said in the above posts, I WILL upgrade to a larger tank in the near future. I already have quotes on a 225 and have looked at some corner 90s. I've learned alot (a good bit from the club members) in the past 4 months. I have used the knowledge of the years I have been in this hobby combining a good bit of the new technology. Most of what I have done has worked very well with very little losses. The only time I had a major problem was when I purchased some garbage salt that exploded my ammonia. Reacted quickly and saved every thing in my 72 except a hard loss of a mandarin that I obtained from an ARC member and a pepermint shrimp. I love this hobby and plan to expand my knowledge and try to help others when I can. Thanks a buch for all your suggestions.
oldschool52;345021 wrote: For those that are so worried about a larger tank upgrade the beginning of January I re-entered this hobby with nada, nothing, no equipment, no tanks , no pumps , no filters, no nothing. I had tanks years ago but gave it all away. Now I have a 72, 30, 20, 2-10s, RO/DI, Skimmers, Pumps, UV, Sumps, Power heads, more test kits than most people who have been in this hobby for years (5 different manufacturers and a freshwater test kit, Freeze dried food, frozen food, flake food and suppliments of all kinds, xtra lighting, xtra filters, etc, etc. So when I say that I will upgrade guess what, I really do mean it. I have found a way to find what I need when I need it. I've done many things for many years, on and off, and learned from a great bunch of people, books, internet to name a few. Like I said in the above posts, I WILL upgrade to a larger tank in the near future. I already have quotes on a 225 and have looked at some corner 90s. I've learned alot (a good bit from the club members) in the past 4 months. I have used the knowledge of the years I have been in this hobby combining a good bit of the new technology. Most of what I have done has worked very well with very little losses. The only time I had a major problem was when I purchased some garbage salt that exploded my ammonia. Reacted quickly and saved every thing in my 72 except a hard loss of a mandarin that I obtained from an ARC member and a pepermint shrimp. I love this hobby and plan to expand my knowledge and try to help others when I can. Thanks a buch for all your suggestions.

im running a red sea hob skimmer on my 20 (both thanks to jeff :D). i took it apart and cleaned it really well and when i put it back together it was a pain to adjust so it would not over-skim, but now i have it set in the perfect sweet spot and it's doing great so far :thumbs: