Hole in the head


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My Tiger Oscar seems to be getting a hole in the middle of his eyes. What is this?
could possibly be a parasite my tiger oscar got a few i just did a huge water change put some epsom salt in the water and a macy something tab and he was good to go he is 1ft long so he was a fighter hope this helps!:fish:
Please post a photo , and its water parameters and living situation, all those things are relevant in determining what the problem may be.
Do you feed it live foods? If you do thais could be the culprit, most feeder fish are riddled with parasites and can pass them on to your other fish.
By the title I figured that you already knew what it was and was just complaining about it. It's most likely hole-in-the-head disease. This is a fairly common and easily treatable disease.


You can go and buy medication at any local petsmart or petco. You're going to want to find metronidazole. I recall them having medications with pictures of the diseases on the boxes to make it easier as well.

Hope this helps!
Thank you guys I started doing small water changes twice a week and some metro and he is good as new!
Pretty good, I think some are getting big so there's some aggression going on so i guess its time for a bigger tank!