Holy Algae!


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Ok, what can I get to eat this stuff?

Tank has been run/cycled for ~2 months with the lights off. 3 weeks ago 500watts of MH rains down upon tank. 3 days later BIG brown algae outbreak. Day 4 a bunch of snails/hermits were added, which knocked out 80% of the algae.

Doesn't look like anyone is touching this stuff. Any idea how long I'll need to look at it before it goes away?

New MH lighting
MR2 skimmer
RO only
I feed flake spirulina once a day
1 false perc
1 scopas tang
2 small mithax
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp (did a good job on the 3 small pieces of Aptasia btw :)

~50 turbos
~100 nassarius
~50 blue legs
~50 ceriths
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you are still cycling nothing really to worry about, use your hand and pull off the algae.
yeah i used to scurb mine of the glass with a tooth soft tooth brush and then do a water change as all the stuff was floating around.
If anyone sees this, I'm trying to ID that coral that was pretty much given to me. I havn't seen the polyps out much during the day, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. Yellow/orange thing on right side :)

How does the placement look? It's in Mod/light flow where it is.