Hosting Clowns!


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Today has been a Awesome day for me. I woke up and drove to D-ville to work on the race car. Well the Stang started! It sounded like a Monster truck. I started it with open long tubes the cams were monstrous. LOL. Hopefully tomorrow I will be driving it a bit. The whole time I was driving home I was shacking from the adrenaline or the cams. LOL. I thought what could be better. Well...

When I got home I made up the frozen mush for my fish. While I waited for the Mysis to thaw, I walked around to see if the clowns hosted yet. Man oh man the female clown was diving and rolling all over that RBTA. Every time the male went near it she would kick him to the curb. Man those clowns brought an even bigger smile to my face!

I can say that basket training works first hand. I usually don't offer advice on things that I haven't experienced myself. So get some clowns and thrown them in a basket with a BTA. It works! LOL. Anyway it took about 2 weeks. I fed over the RBTA so that they had to swim through it to eat. I got them use to it little by little. I am still gonna leave them in the basket until next Friday then move them to the display. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
Oh man thats awesome! Glad they finally came around :) Get a pic ****it!
I may have to do this. My clowns haven't started and they probably never will unless I do something like this.
Cameron;141802 wrote: I may have to do this. My clowns haven't started and they probably never will unless I do something like this.

I didn't wanna take the chance with my new pair. I will tell you at first they wanted nothin to do with the RBTA. So I'm glad I did the ol basket trick. Thanks Simon. LOL. Good luck cam!
Mine haven't even gone near it from what I have seen. They still float near the top of the water on their sides at night. Creeped me out at first, but a year later seems normal.
People have been doing this for years :). Cap bay for example. Anyways, glad the clowns are hosting.
LOL. Mine hated the RBTA at first they would stay at the opposite end on the basket. Grr but after feeding over the anemone they started gowing closer and flirting with it and bam now they are hosted. But I am still gonna give them another week.
agreed thats what you need to do. they have to want to be in the anemone before moving them to the aquarium.
Yeah I'd wait at least a week. You'll know when its time to move them when you put your finger near the nem and the female goes after you ;)
Thought I would jump in here... I guess I have just been really lucky in the past and never had a problem getting clowns to host... I figured they just knew what to do... Well after a lot of reading lately, I find out that is not the case... This really concerned me because I just bought a pair of Picasso's from Tim and a Flame Tip from Zoanuts thinking they would make a great set... Well I was elated yesterday when Tim told me that the Clowns were hosting a BTA at his place :D I can't wait to see this set together... Just thought I'd share.