Houdini Fish!


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The other night I was cleaning the frag tank and I noticed my Algae Blenny was missing. I thought great, he jumped and now is a piece of fish jerky on the floor. I checked around the tank and no fish jerky! I though, well he must have fallen in the overflow and was now in the sump(would be a fun water slide). I checked and nope, not there either. I was perplexed to say the least. I thought maybe he had gotten stuck somewhere in the line going to the sump, after some cursory checks, it didn't seem so. Well I'd have to chalk this one up to a mystery that would never get solved. And low and behold I was feeding my frag tank this morning and out of the overflow jumps the Blenny. He ate some flakes and then jumped right back in! This is a 1.5" inch home made overflow out of PVC pipe that have 3/4" slits cut in the top and has a endcap. He now resides in the end of the pipe by the endcap and just sits there and peers out every once in a while checking to see if it's feeding time! Crazy Houdini fish!!!:doh: Amazing little guy knows not to go to the other side of the overflow!
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This little guy reminds me of a big fat guy that sits in front of a TV stuffing his face with chips. He has a gut like no other fish I have seen!