How did I ever live without a pom pom crab?


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We just got an order in from I highly recommend them, very satisfied with all my livestock. Especially the pom pom crab :p. This thing is a freaking riot. When I throw mysis in the tank it comes out of hiding waving its arms around in huge circles trying to catch some of the food in his lil pom poms. If a fish gets to close it shakes its little pom pom anemones at them and does a lil dance. Every tank should have one of these guys, they're just a riot to watch :).
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He's only about 1.5 - 2 inches wide from tip to tip. I don't think they get much bigger than that. Very colorful for a crab too.
capp bay had some a bit ago, dont know if they have any anymore. very cool looking for sure!
I love mine, I'v had mine for the last year and a half... Hides most of the time. I saw him one time with only one of his little anenomes for a day or so, guess he mis-placed it during a molt, then the next day he found it! Funniest thing is watching him and my pepermint shrimp interact...
i so want one of these now.....can you keep them in the same tank as a clam? live aquaria says their diet consists of meaty foods such as clams??????
From the research I've done they're completely reef safe.

Live aquaria:
"The diet of the Pom Pom Crab should include meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, chopped fish and clams. "

That just means you should feed them chopped clams :).
gotcha...thanks clearing that up.....thats what i though but I wasn't sure and I really want a clam too at some point...just waiting for my tank to mature a bit more....
I recomend keeping them in a nano. That is, if you want to see them often. I have one in my 75 that I've only seen twice since I put him in there. When he was in the nano I saw him almost every time I fed the tank. On a side note, I had a clam in there with him and I never saw him even get close. I haven't seen mine anywhere but towards the bottom of the tank. Congrats on the new critter FI.
Thanks guys. I saw him the first 3 days in a row and made sure he got at least one or two mysis for his dancing act. I know where his "lair" is so throwing some food in front of it seems to be enough to get him to come on out. I hope this trend continues, but who knows. I got mine from I only added him because we needed just a lil bit more on our group order to meet free shipping. I'm really glad though I got him, he's one of my star attractions as far as I'm concerned :).