How do I get a fish out of overflow?


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Dacula, GA
Having a great deal of difficulty catching the fish I’ve already sold. Took Victor’s suggestion and tried to catch in the pitch dark with red light and all I succeeded in doing was having one of the clowns jump out of the net and into the overflow. Now I have no idea how to get him out! HELP PLEASE! They won’t go anywhere near the trap, it’s been in there 2 weeks and I’ve tried everything, I’m getting a little frustrated. Any suggestions for catching them and obviously I need to save my clown from the overflow.
Is your overflow pipe glued on? Could you turn everything off pull the overflow pipe and let them go into the sump?

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Having a great deal of difficulty catching the fish I’ve already sold. Took Victor’s suggestion and tried to catch in the pitch dark with red light and all I succeeded in doing was having one of the clowns jump out of the net and into the overflow. Now I have no idea how to get him out! HELP PLEASE! They won’t go anywhere near the trap, it’s been in there 2 weeks and I’ve tried everything, I’m getting a little frustrated. Any suggestions for catching them and obviously I need to save my clown from the overflow.
Sorry to hear. This is how I catch my fish without a trap.

The drain pipes aren’t supposed to be glued, can’t you just remove it and have it drain into the sump? Turn off your pumps first tho.
I removed my overflow pipe and had a large net in the sump to catch him. It did take several tries as there is a bit of water left even with pipe removed.