How do i use a Refractometer???


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Okay i know how to calibrate and place the drops of water on it and get a reading but i am wondering what should a good reading be? IF it is too high i assume i add more distilled water to the sump? If too low add more Salt? Whats too high whats too low whats optimal?
Thanks agian in advance for the advice:)
This link is your friend:
Keep in mind you just dont add salt you add saltwater. When salt water is mixing it can be caustic so it needs to be pre mixed water.
Be sure to wipe off your refractometer with a soft lint free cloth after each use. If you let salt water dry on it you may end up with a false high reading.
Also, if you have livestock in a tank with either very low or very high salinity, be sure you make your adjustment to optimum level slooooooowly over a period of time. Take it from one who learned the hard way. Sudden drastic changes in the salinity level kills things.
melev;287492 wrote: Linda, tell me about your avatar. LOL

Well, fish travel in schools. This fish just happened to pick one of the better ones.


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