How do you frag a leather?


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I have a leather thats head is the size of a dinner plate. It is taking up too much real estate in the display. How can I safely frag it? Just lop off part of the head? Do I need to get a piece of the base with it? Thanks.
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lol that cold. :D

Sound like you got a Toadstool.... Off with it head and frag as mane frag as you like.
Wolfie I believe that it is just a brown leather not a toadstool. Take a look at the pic and let me know.
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So just lop off chunks of the head? How should I attach the pieces to LR?
Darren24 That coral look like a Toadstool to me.

You can still frag it anyway you like it. Once you frag it. Rubberbane it to where you want the new frag to grow. Supperglue will not work with that leather.
Darren24 wrote: So just lop off chunks of the head? How should I attach the pieces to LR?
That'll do it... just cut a section off and rubberband/toothpick/sew/veil it to a rock and it will attach within a week or so.
Thanks folks. Will post some free toadstool frags in the near future!
you can actually cut any part of that thing and it'll grow into a new leather. Once my green polyp one gets bigger, I'll be fraggin and selling it.