How far apart!!?


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So let's say I had an aquarium that was 48" long at some point....

Let's also assume I wanted to use 2 250w de meh pendants as lighting....

How should they be spaced over the to of the tank yo give best coverage???


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I guess 1' in on both ends to the middle of the pendant?

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That's a pretty good place to start then adjust from there. It really depends on the reflector and it's spread. Most of them cast a 2' x 2' pattern.
that would probably give the most even coverage. if you're not planning on having any high light corals within 6" of either side id say go 18" from side to center of pendant, thatll give you a little more punch in the middle so that the middle 3 feet are pretty evenly lit and have good par with the outsides a little less getting a little less par. where as if you did 1' to center of pendant you might get a little less par in the middle and</em> on the sides