How long do your leathers stay closed?


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I have a neon green ORA toadstool and it opens for two days then closes, opens for two days then closes. Usually it closes for 2-3 days. I know thats normal when they are growing but it seems a bit rapid and this last time he closed up is going on 5 days (today).

Not sure if this is normal but it doesnt seem it.....water params are fine.
Any snails recently develope a thing for crawing on it and eating algae off? They dig a little flow to help with this and get their waxey coat off
nope, been keeping an eye on that but no, nothing crawling off of it but it does look like a tiny bit of algae is developing on it...that part has me worried.
this morning it looked like it was falling over a bit more than usual....i dont think its looking good
My leather hasn't openned since I added the Hydor Flo to my tank, as every minute or so, he gets blasted by a short burst of flow..........

I need to move him I guess.

As far as your's goes, give it a few more days, then start worrying
I thought that read "how long do your leathers stay closeted?"

But that would be kind of personal.

Linda Lee;332416 wrote: I thought that read "how long do your leathers stay closeted?"

But that would be kind of personal.


lol....not in my tank. Im am very open minded. lol.
When mine close it's usually for a very short period of time.. we're talking hours, not days. And they may change to all sorts of colors like purple and brown. But then they'll open back up to their normal selves.
one of mine stays closed for a week or so at a time, in fact it looks like crap more than it does happy. but it is doing ok, and is growing overall. It's probably not in the best location, but it's still alive.
still closed....going on about 8 days. A little bit of algae growing on it.....not looking good.

I changed his position and gave it a little more flow though I think he was getting plenty before. We'll see. fingers crossed. :(
Some leathers adore a good flow. I hope this is all they need in your case. Other than that, I really can't think of anything.
thanks yeah...I hope so too. Does the algae mean that it nay be dying?
Wish I was as coral-savvy as the crew here so I could offer you some advice, but to give you some optimism:
I had my GSP stay closed for over one week. I felt sure I had done the impossible, killing GSP. I thought about bottling my tank water and selling it here.

About three days ago it opened up bigger and brighter than before.

Good luck.
Hmmmm... Hopefully moving it will make it happier. Be aware that the move itself may have bothered it some too because of handling. I had one lean over on us one time, and it bounced back, so that isn't necessarily the stamp of doom.

Any chance you could take a pic for us? That algae may really be bugging it. Toadstools tend not to appreciate visitors of any sort touching them.
every time I make any change to my tank -- my leather closes -- sometimes for days. I used to worry about it's health -- now I know it's just adjusting.

I guess it liked the move. Gave it a little more direct flow and it blossomed.
Awesome man, good to hear. I was about to say try moving it. If algae starts to form on it, it will most likely die.