how long does fresh R/O water last?


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I was planning on setting up a new tank for my chalice and acan corals in the next week, but I hit a snag and will have a two-three week delay. I made up an extra 70 gallons of R/O water stored in sealed containers.

My question is will the R/O be OK for three weeks in storage? Or should I add the sea salt and would it be ok as fresh saltwater, or should I just use this for my ATO and make up new R/O a few days before I set this new tank up?
I would definately NOT make it into sw and store it for 3 weeks.

If you can use it for top-off and replace in 3 weeks, then why not? If you really can't, make sure it's not lit (algae) and it should be fine. You may have to skim the top, but other than that it should be okay.
In my opinion, you're safe to use the RO/DI 3-4 weeks down the road if not a few months down the road... maybe years? I'm not sure how it can go bad. It's absolutely pure H2O. Regular tap water will go "bad" once the chlorine is gone since there are nutrients in the water. Going "bad" just means there is some bacterial growth or algae growth if its exposed to light. RO/DI water though is essentially as pure as you can get, there shouldn't be anything in there to facilitate growth of any kind. Unless you're somehow introducing nutrients in there or other contaminants it should be good to go even months down the road if not more. I know I've used some RO/DI water for top off and water changes that I made a few months in advance with no ill effects. I used to work in a biochem lab and we would use "old" double distilled water all the time for experiments.
FutureInterest;272577 wrote: In my opinion, you're safe to use the RO/DI 3-4 weeks down the road if not a few months down the road... maybe years? I'm not sure how it can go bad. It's absolutely pure H2O. Regular tap water will go "bad" once the chlorine is gone since there are nutrients in the water. Going "bad" just means there is some bacterial growth or algae growth if its exposed to light. RO/DI water though is essentially as pure as you can get, there shouldn't be anything in there to facilitate growth of any kind. Unless you're somehow introducing nutrients in there or other contaminants it should be good to go even months down the road if not more. I know I've used some RO/DI water for top off and water changes that I made a few months in advance with no ill effects. I used to work in a biochem lab and we would use "old" double distilled water all the time for experiments.

good to know!
FutureInterest;272577 wrote: In my opinion, you're safe to use the RO/DI 3-4 weeks down the road if not a few months down the road... maybe years? I'm not sure how it can go bad. It's absolutely pure H2O. Regular tap water will go "bad" once the chlorine is gone since there are nutrients in the water. Going "bad" just means there is some bacterial growth or algae growth if its exposed to light. RO/DI water though is essentially as pure as you can get, there shouldn't be anything in there to facilitate growth of any kind. Unless you're somehow introducing nutrients in there or other contaminants it should be good to go even months down the road if not more. I know I've used some RO/DI water for top off and water changes that I made a few months in advance with no ill effects. I used to work in a biochem lab and we would use "old" double distilled water all the time for experiments.
Totally agree here. If its in a container with a lid so no outside contaminates can get in then its fine. I imagine the bottled water at the store sits more than three week sometimes. I have a rubermaid tub with a float valve that stays full 24/7. Being as though I dont use all the water in it at a time I'm sure there is plenty of water in it thats over three weeksold and I have had no ill effects.
Well after doing some research it seams that even tap water stored in a dark place with a sealed container is good for years. Dont know what you use to store water but if it has a lid then I am positive that RODI would last three weeks
Ditto water lasting a while. We make distilled DI water in our lab and just top off the jugs. As long as it's covered, it will last.
I would almost say that it would last longer. Isn't salt a preservative? I'm definetly not an expert but it makes sense
everyone is overlooking the contaminants from the storage device. Water is only as clean as what its held in. IN fact, almost every plastic we use will be teaming with some microscopic life. I would get that if everyone here ran their finger across their top off container that holds RODI only, it would feel somewhat slimy, especially if its been in use for a while. That is pioneering cyanobacteria. Stuff will grow in it, but that doesn't mean its harmful.
I have several of those Roughneck containers that I have exclusively for aquarium use, anything from live rock to water. When not in use they air dry and just sit. This is what I am keeping my R/O in.
You're probably fine. I've kept saltwater and RO for weeks - 60g+ at a time, with no ill effects. Panda hit the nail on the head- know your container. I wash mine with muriatic acid ("is there anything it can't do?" - Homer Simpsons) about every six months, but I know there's going to be some aglae of some type in there. I figure that whatever's growing in there either a) would normally be growing in my tank anyway and b) will probably be consumed by the organisms in my tank, so I don't worry about it.