How long have you had your tank up and running?

The longest I have had a tank up and running....without touching it from bordom, selling it, giving it away or totally changing things up is a little over four years. I like creativitiy and change I guess.
My 120 in its current location has been up for 3 years, before that it was a 90 for about three years, before that it was a 65 for about a year. I have moved a few times, I bought a bigger tank everytime I moved, old tank contents went into new tank. I never experienced any negative results during the moves/upgrades. Including transplants around 7 years, no reboots and no serious crashes.
Currently, I’m at 1 year.

My first tank ever was a 75g I had for ~5 years; purchased used on Craigslist and transferred all rock, sand, and 50% water. That was running for over 30 years before I purchased it, and is the longest I had ever heard. ...however, it is no longer running, so it doesn’t count. Lol
Currently, I’m at 1 year.

My first tank ever was a 75g I had for ~5 years; purchased used on Craigslist and transferred all rock, sand, and 50% water. That was running for over 30 years before I purchased it, and is the longest I had ever heard. ...however, it is no longer running, so it doesn’t count. Lol

wait... the previous owner ran it for 30 years?
wait... the previous owner ran it for 30 years?

Yes. As a high schooler, he set up the tank. And when he went off to college, he taught his dad how to feed the fish and do a monthly water change. Auto top off was plugged into RODI hard-plumbed into the wall (and in retrospect, they got terribly lucky no issues happened in so many years). Anyways, he went off to college, then graduated, got a job, had kids... meanwhile, his dad was just doing a monthly water change on the sons tank. Lol. Then the dad decided to sell the tank one day, as his son clearly no longer wanted it. “Over 30 years” is what the old man told me

when I got it; it was overgrown with green hair algae, including the front glass,... and about 100-200 purple discosoma mushrooms and a few toadstools. No fish.
I am at 3.5 years on my current big tank, but have had at least one tank going for over 20 years.
that is a long running tank. What size?

Just a regular old 65g reef ready tank. I set it up initially in 2000 and after 10 got a good deal on the exact same tank (but brand new). Took the opportunity to re-scape everything and got rid of all the scratches. My basement is where I have the most fun in terms of swapping and moving tank around.
My 90g is right at 6 years and I’m breaking it down. I had it running right before our first thanksgiving in our house.

My 20g has been going right around a year. I set it up just before my daughter was born in February
I'm right at about 1 year of ownership, with most of the rock and two coral that it came with being 3 years old though!
The 180gal in my signature was bought from another member on the original ARC site in October of 2006. It was set up within a month and is still running today. It's been through many stages, and at one time was quite a nice mixed reef. :cool:

After a second major tank crash, it's basically a FOWLR with 3 fish. :confused:
