how long to store mixed saltwater...


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If saltwater is mixed and sealed in a container for a month (but not with a powerhead), would that be okay? In the past I have had an RO unit, so this is my first time having to buy saltwater. I would prefer to buy 5 gallons worth (1 month worth of water changes on my nano), and just do 1.5 gallon water changes every week.

Same applies with RO water: is month old top off water okay? I am assuming just adding some sort of ph buffer in it will keep it steady?
RO should keep for a VERY long time. And I've never buffered my ATO water.

Saltwater I've kept for a couple months in a brute garbage can with a lid, but I've always kept a powerhead in it.
atlweb;778695 wrote: If saltwater is mixed and sealed in a container for a month (but not with a powerhead), would that be okay? In the past I have had an RO unit, so this is my first time having to buy saltwater. I would prefer to buy 5 gallons worth (1 month worth of water changes on my nano), and just do 1.5 gallon water changes every week.

Same applies with RO water: is month old top off water okay? I am assuming just adding some sort of ph buffer in it will keep it steady?

Should be good in a 5 gallon pail just shake well before you use it each time or get RO water and mix your salt a little bit before you need and ck salinity
Stephen I have been doing that for 3 years with no problems. Just make sure to shake and aerate it.
The key to keeping saltwater is to keep it mixing. I'd invest in a cheap small powerhead. You won't have to think about mixing it or worry about the water being bad.
The other key is watching the evap to
make sure the salinity does not climb.

iPhone, Tapatalk, Tpyos
Has anyone ever run a water test on salt water that is just mixed(30mins-1hr) and compared it to salt water that has been sitting for a while? I'd be curious to hear the results.

I've always assumed that over time, some of the good stuff would precipitate out. I will say that I've noticed pH differences between fresh made water and week old water. I never let mine sit much longer than a week or so.
I do not have tests for the new 1-2 hour mix but I just tested RSCP that has mixed for 9 days.

SG= 1.025
ph=7.8 Hanna

Tank parms.
kh=5.6 oops my litermeter shut off for maintenance while I was in Florida, sounds about right lol.
Pure Reef carries 2.5 gallon jugs. I use that and a single gallon of RO for my BC14. The 2.5 fits easy under the BC14 stand too. I go through a gallon a month of RO and do bi-weekly 2.5 changes and have never had issues...even a three week stretch on the WC is cool.

Wally;778985 wrote: Pure Reef carries 2.5 gallon jugs. I use that and a single gallon of RO for my BC14. The 2.5 fits easy under the BC14 stand too.


I have the 2.5 as well, but I live down in Atlanta now... so driving back OTP isn't the most convenient thing.

I wish Pure Reef was closer!