How long/when should I have my T5 supplements on?


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Currently have a 93 cube with 2 AI blues and 3 24 in T5 fixtures. Each T5 fixture has 2 bulbs. So I'm assuming you would have the T5's on during peak time. Just wondering how long you would have them on and when you would turn them on...

T5 ......................................
AI ..............
T5 ......................................
AI ..............
T5 ......................................

Thanks in advance for any advice on this one,

Edit: AI's in the center though.
You haven't run them in the past, have you? I'd run them with your peek LED intensities, maybe 3hrs at first then increase it.
Having that spectrum spread from the t5 I think you can do just about anything you want. If just adding them to a tank that was only AI's before I would actually run them at different times then the AIs to start then integrate the overlap.
That's what I did with mine when I added MH onto a tank that just had AIs alone previously.
Thanks Seth. I think I'm going to take your advice on this one. Starting out, how long would you have them on each day?
id start with an hour on each side (one hour before the ai's and then one after the ai's) and then increase time as desired on a weekly basis in 1/2 to 1 hour increments