how long will it take to seed base rock


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i have about a hundred pounds of dead live rock if i take 10 or so pounds of nice coraline covered rock out of another aquarium and put a couple power heads shooting on it how long will it take to get the dead rock going again also would using a product like purple up help i have used it in the past and made some live rock beautiful looking for thoughts and oppinions thanks
3 months, 21 days, 3 hours, 12, shouldn't take too long...depends on your lights and all-but prob a couple of months.
ericmcj31;371830 wrote: 3 months, 21 days, 3 hours, 12, shouldn't take too long...depends on your lights and all-but prob a couple of months.

yeah 3-4 months, should not take that long and in a year or maybe a little less you will never be able to tell that the rock was once white and dead.
Chris c
My tank is almost a year old and I am finally starting to see coraline covering rocks. I assume it finally took off because I up'd my cal/mag, changed lighting and added more flow.
he has all that base rock so his cal should be fine alos probobly no coral yet alk would be all but just for the cure he probobly would not see proboms and mag will be norm in 2-3 weeks/ end of cure
Iodine Replenishment: PurpleUp replenishes iodine, an essential element for coralline algae tissues that quickly becomes depleted in closed systems.
Easy to use. One bottle of Purple Up replaces the typical multi-product recipe for successful coralline algae growth favored by advanced aquarists.
Contains Super Sea Calcium, a natural calicum derived from pristine tropical oceans.
Treats up to 4730 gallons.

so its iodine and cal you can over do thos to faster then mag and since he has a low need for cal "new tank" and cant thangs get iodine poisoning i now people can

dawgdude not trying to say your incorect i enjoy your input
would getting coraline from another tank and simply placing it in your tank be a safe and natural way of speeding up the process?