How many aiptasia eating nudibranches?


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I've been trying to eradicate my 125 gallon reef of aiptasia for quite some time now. I've tried the aiptasia x and peppermint shrimp with no success. I've had people suggest a copperband butterflyfish or matted filefish but I'm pretty skeptical about both, as I wouldn't categorize them as reef safe. I'm thinking of ordering some aiptasia eating nudibranches. My question is how many would you suggest? They are all over my 125 gallon long! The only place I know to get these is by ordering online. I live in Macon and was wondering if anyone wanted to go in on an order with me. That way I could justify paying for shipping as the price of shipping these guys would be more than they actually cost. Thanks for reading and happy reefing!
I'm not sure how many I would recommend, but I'm faced with a similar problem in my 185g. I've went the Copperband route, he ate all of my prized LPS colonies. I went the filefish route as well, he never touched them and was alright for a while. Now he began to pick at z n p's. I've done the Joe's Juice along with a couple of others and kalk paste, which I do find effective. My problem is there are some that I just am not able to get to.

I would be interested in obtaining some of the nudibranches, please PM me the site that you are considering. I'm semi local to you WR / Perry so no problem on the shipping arrangements.
I've never had peppermint shrimp let me down. How many did you add? I would go with at least 15-20 in a tank that size.
I tried the Peppermint shrimp as well and they didn't do the job. I have used them in the past with success, but not this time unfortunately.
Be careful adding nudibranchs to your aquarium, some fish, especially wrasses will eat them. Turn off your lights and put your fish to sleep and give the nudi's a chance to hide before the fish find them(expensive snack). :D
Raz0945;884854 wrote: Be careful adding nudibranchs to your aquarium, some fish, especially wrasses will eat them. Turn off your lights and put your fish to sleep and give the nudi's a chance to hide before the fish find them(expensive snack). :D

I tried them 2 times 9 ea time eventually my wrasses
found them and that was a expensive lesson.
If I ever try again I will move the wrasse in another tank for awhile .
Good luck
I would start with 6-10. They are very small but reproduce readily. You may put them in and not see them but eventually you will see the aptasia fade away. Good luck! I have had great success with them.
Thanks for the replies! I'm gonna go with the nudibranches. Just not sure where to order them from.