how many people are in this hobby?


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Does anyone know where I can get info or a stat as to how many aquariums are sold each year (in general) and how many people are actually in this hobby? (salt water only)

I need this data as a benchmark. Thanks.
thats gonna be a tough one, i quickly looked up on google and some kid was doing a project for school along the same lines and he was having trouble finding answers.
not sure if this helps at all.....but i found this:

"According to the report over 20 million tropical fish, including 1471 species ranging from the sapphire devil to the copperhead butterflyfish, are being harvested annually to supply the booming marine aquarium trade in Europe and the United States.

It says that a further nine to 10 million animals, including molluscs, shrimps and anemones and involving some 500 species, are also being traded to supply tanks in homes, public aquaria and dentists’ surgeries. And, that up to 12 million stony corals are being harvested, transported and sold annually.

“Each year over 20 million fish from almost 1500 species are being taken from coral reefs and brought to aquariums in Europe and the USA, as well as 10 million crabs, snails and starfish,” says Ed Green, one of the report’s authors. “The Clown Anemonefish is the most popular import to Britain with more than 110,000 sold each year,” he said."

Here is the link:
the link doesn't work but that info sounds good, thanks :) Too bad I don't think I can just ask the vendors.
That would probably be a great question to write to the editors of some reef magazines.