How much Food should I be Feeding my tank?


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I was just wondering if I am overfeeding My tank or not enough. I have a 125 reef tank. I have a total of 12 fish. 3 are bordering Large and the other 9 are small to medium. I have 3 Starfish, 3 shrimp, a large BTA, And Numerous Crabs and snails. We usually feed 2 Cubes Of Frozen Brine and 1 cube of frozen Krill per day. We also dose our tank daily with either a cap full of Kent Phyto Plex or Marine Snow. {Alternate days sometimes Reef Chili also) We also hand feed the BTA a couple time a week with shrimp.Once a week we may use Pellets or flake food instead of the Brine and Krill.Thanks For your Help!!
My 3 larger fish are a Yellow Tang, A Blue Hippo Tang, and a Copper banded Butterfly. I have 4 green Damsels, Diamondback Goby, Yellow Watchman Goby, Skunk clown, percula clown, Flame Angel, Purple/Yellow pseudo, 2 Cleaner shrimp and a pistol shrimp. Both of my Tangs are Very healthy and eat like a horse! I have had them both for over 3 years. I have never fed them Nori.
I agree with Dawgdude -- you should provide the tangs with some nori -- it's true they'll each brine, mysis, squid, etc. like they haven't eaten in months -- but they still need some veggies to maintian health.

Personally, I think you're feeding to much -- however, if you don't have any issues with algae, aptasia, etc. which often results from overfeeding... then keeping doing what works for you.
I think you're feeding about right but need to change what you're feeding a bit. Brine is not a good staple diet. Substitute PE mysis instead of brine and throw in some Nori as others have suggested. Also change it up a bit with some squid and other cubes, etc.