How much is too much?


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So after 2 months, my tank is stable. Defeated cyano, some minor aiptasia and some green hair. The tank is a 100g cube w/ about 90lbs of rock, a 30g sump w/ a skimp sk181 skimmer (which honestly lies dormant most of the time). The plan is a monti/polyp only tank. A male melanarus, saddleback valentini, YWG and a pair of clowns currently call it home.

The question is, I have three more fish I want to add before my preferred stock list is complete - female melanarus and a pair of leopard wrasses... Is this too much for a 28x28x30h footprint?
Sounds fine but introducing the new wrasses can be tricky. Research and come up with a plan. Great fish list btw...
watch that puffer! esp if you decide to get other kinds of sps.

Yeah, read a bunch about the puffer before we picked it up. There are about the same amount of horror/success stories rolling around. The plan is to keep him fat and happy (with my fingers crossed for success). If he turns into a problem, he'll get his own home. Luckily they sleep lying down, so catching him should be easy if needed.
Generally speaking, puffers and Leopard Wrasses do not do well together, with the Leopard being intimidated and not eating. Leopards do not do well with any apparent aggressiveness.....

3 to 4 inch fine sand bed is also needed...

(Albeit, it's very possible as long as you are 24-7 observant)
Didn't realize the saddleback was a puffer and I agree with Ralph on the leopards...they are difficult enough with peaceful tankmates.
Good to know. They'll probably be crossed off the list then. Would rather enjoy the livestock than Worry about it 24/7. Thanks for the info!
I'm sure the puffer is your favorite, right? I love them. Whenever I see one I have to talk myself out of buying it. I probably will dedicate a tank to one eventually.