How much skimmate should I be pulling out of a 60 gallon system each week? Bio load is not too heavy, just 1 damsel, 1 solarensus wrasse, 1 coral beauty, 1 pj cardinal, and 1 mandarin dragonet.. Skimmer is a Berlin X2 Turbo.
And also, has anyone noticed a difference in their system if they set their skimmer to skim faster and produce a lot of liquid vs skimming slower and producing that think dark sludge?? Since my skimmer is set up outside of my sump, and always run the risk of overflow, I have set up the skimmer to skim very slowly and only allow dense/compact bubbles to overflow, which over time creates a buildup of that dark thick sludge skimmate in the overflow chamber... I have been running my skimmer like this for about 5 months now and all seems to be good in the tank... I rarely have to dump the overflow chamber, but I cleaned it the other day for the first time in months, and I needed a toothbrush to clean out all the sludge..
And also, has anyone noticed a difference in their system if they set their skimmer to skim faster and produce a lot of liquid vs skimming slower and producing that think dark sludge?? Since my skimmer is set up outside of my sump, and always run the risk of overflow, I have set up the skimmer to skim very slowly and only allow dense/compact bubbles to overflow, which over time creates a buildup of that dark thick sludge skimmate in the overflow chamber... I have been running my skimmer like this for about 5 months now and all seems to be good in the tank... I rarely have to dump the overflow chamber, but I cleaned it the other day for the first time in months, and I needed a toothbrush to clean out all the sludge..