How often do you clean your skimmer?


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I still haven't gotten my drain line hooked up to my skimmer, but would like to hook the line up with a small valve so I can drain into a coke bottle or something and get rid of it. I don't want it draining into the coke bottle all the time (still have a fear of overflow and getting nasty gunk everywhere), just when I turn the valve every few days so I don't have to unscrew the whole collection cup like I do now.

Speaking of which, do you clean the collection cup? I rinse mine under warm (try to keep it same temp as the tank) water to get the grunge out of the cup itself, but I don't scrub it or anything major.

What about the skimmer itself? How often should it be cleaned, if ever? Should I take it out and sit it in a tub of a vinegar/water solution for an hour? What is your procedure? Mine consists of taking the air inlet tube off the silencer and holding it under water for 10-20 seconds to hopefully get any build up out of the line, and I occasionally take the inlet strainer off the pump and rinse it off (usually when I'm doing a water change) in old water just in case anything is lodged in the strainer reducing flow.
Since I am home a lot lately I empty my collection cup every day and rinse it with cold water and use my hands to clean off the large deposits of slime. Then back on the skimmer. I might clean it really well like once every 6 months. I did clean the skimmer body this year....what a pain to get in and out and readjusted. I only do that when I am having production problems.
Since I use a carbon source, my skimmer needs to be emptied daily. I clean the cup daily, the neck twice a month and the whole skimmer every 5 months or so.
I usually just dump mine weekly when I do my WC's; I've never cleaned the body since setting it up (about a year ago)--I've still gotta setup a nice little skimmer on my other tank-I've been running for over 2 years w/o skimmer and doing GREAT! but I do dump the cup and scrub it over w/ my hand and fresh water. I usually just wash under hot water it seems to make the stuff break lose easier
I normally empty the cup about every 2 weeks or so. But I do clean it out thoroughly. And it is some disgusting stuff to be sure!!!:yuk:
What is a skimmer??

JK, when i was running one i cleaned it about every 3 days or when I was bored really. But right now i'm running skimmerless until i get my sump going.
i borrowed a skimmer from Mark (flyingarmy) and it has a drain line and I have that dumping in to a 2 liter coke bottle, its starting to get some in the bottle, not much. seems wet though. but it is a fairly new tank so I don't expect much.
Kirru;284577 wrote: i borrowed a skimmer from Mark (flyingarmy) and it has a drain line and I have that dumping in to a 2 liter coke bottle, its starting to get some in the bottle, not much. seems wet though. but it is a fairly new tank so I don't expect much.

That's what I'd like to do, but I only want to drain it when I want to empty it, not just have an open drain. I don't want something to happen and it just start dumping skimmate all over the inside of the stand if the bottle overflows.
Ok, I guess my question is more of, if I do use a valve to drain into a jug or something, will I need to clean the neck regularly? I assume that letting the cup fill up, then draining it will still leave behind some gunk, but is that anything to be worried about?
My MRC skimmer's cup attaches with thumb screws so taking it off to clean it would be a real pain.

I drain my cup via tube into a 5 gallon jug and never clean the inside of the skimmer.

I will be taking this tank down in the next few days and will give the skimmer and it's parts a good cleaning then.