How often do you feed your corals?

I feed my cyclopeeze/reef chilli/blue lagoon/selcon mix on Wednesdays, Phytoplankton/Brine on Fridays and Marine Snow/Mysis on Sundays. I figure one of the combos has to be getting the job done. Wednesdays everything goes crazy in the tank so this appears to be a favorite. T, Th I feed flake and seaweed. I skip Sat feeding.

I also plan on suplmenting the tank with copepods when Aquabuys gets them back in stock.
I feed freeze dried cyclopeeze every couple days and phyto inbetween
I really don't have a schedule for feeding but this is what I add:

Reef Chili
Zeo Coral Vit
I am a firm believer in feeding the higher animals to feed the lowers. I feed my fish very heavily, and as a result, have never specifically fed the corals or inverts. Yet, I have had success with many varieties for years (including obligate filter feeders like feather dusters for 3+ years).
jmaneyapanda wrote: I am a firm believer in feeding the higher animals to feed the lowers. I feed my fish very heavily, and as a result, have never specifically fed the corals or inverts. Yet, I have had success with many varieties for years (including obligate filter feeders like feather dusters for 3+ years).
Do you run a fuge?
I too don't feed corals. 3.5 gallon fuge I have... but that's for the Mandarin that I picked up the first week I got the 90 who was starving at the LFS. I also don't have a sump... come to think of it, I'm pretty sure my tank was put together by dumb luck.
Cameron wrote: Do the "no feeders" run a fuge?

Yeah, I do. I think most people have some sort of fuge, whether they intended to or not. IE- overflows, sumps, etc.
when the tank gets do the corals..indirectly...... tentacles are out..grab what ya can while it's out there....

If not, better luck tomorrow.

jmaneyapanda wrote: Yeah, I do. I think most people have some sort of fuge, whether they intended to or not. IE- overflows, sumps, etc.
My overflow is an algae fuge for sure. I was just wondering how big a fuge you guys ran and what kind of difference that was making.
My sump (MRC reef sump) has a built in fuge that I put Miracle mud in the bottom, and have Chaeto in it. The Chaeto grows like mad, and there is a ridiculous amount of life ion there, but I have recently had a bit of hair algae starting in there, so I added some snails and two pencil urchins.
washowi wrote: when the tank gets do the corals..indirectly...... tentacles are out..grab what ya can while it's out there....

If not, better luck tomorrow.


HAHAHAHAHA, thats awesome.
I don't have a set schedule. Usually about once a week. Same as the fish... about once a week.
The coral get either DTs Oyster Eggs or Frozen Cyclopeeze. Sometimes if they are really good I might give them both. :)
If they are bad, do they go to bed without any supper? :eek:

My frogspawn and button polyps seem to like the same pellets I feed my fish. I try to toss a few their way every time I feed my fish.

My trumpets get fed mysis by hand (actually a pair of forceps). Each mouth gets a shrimp every week or two depending on how they look.
They're spoiled....

DT's Premium once a week.
i don't feed my "corals"... there aren't supposed to be any "corals" in my tank but a colony of gsp and some xenia have some how managed to survive after my attempts at complete erradication (i.e., exchanging my LR w/ coral on it for LR w/out coral to fellow reefers)... the gsp and xenia even survived a cycle...

anyway, i feed my anenome 1-2x per week... hey, that's a hexacorallian, does it count?
No coral feeding here (except for the sun corals). I did when I first set the tank up as I had only a couple fish and the corals were lighting up but for the past 6 months nothing. The only "fuge's" are my overflow and sumps and they are not lit.

My last tank in Dallas I had up for over 3 years and never once fed the corals on purpose. I mean obviously when you feed the fish that does, when the fish poo, that does, when you scrape the glass, that does, etc.